Add path to file replace dialog


Is it possible to add the file path to the confirm file replace dialog? I had a look in the options, but can't see anything relevant, so I guess the answer is probably no.

The reason why I ask is that I sometimes get confused when copying files from one folder to another, and when DO prompts me if I want to overwrite the files, I am not sure whether to say yes or not - because I am not sure that I am copying from the correct folder. e.g. I want to copy from Test1 folder to Test2, overwriting the files in Test2. When the dialog appears, as there is no path field in the dialog, I cannot be sure if I am copying from Test1 > Test2 (which is ok), or Test2 > Test1 (which is not ok). So, what I have been doing is to cancel the copy, and then make sure the Test1 folder is the active folder, and then do the copy again, and answer yes to the dialog. That's a bit clunky, and I would like to remove that cancel and check step.

The current from/to folder paths should be at the top of the progress dialog, if it is visible.

If the copy/move started less than ~1 second ago, the progress dialog may not have appeared yet, but turning off Preferences / File Operations / Progress Indicators / Delayed progress indicators would make it so it is always visible, even for short operations. (You may not need it for short operations since the paths are often obvious in those cases, and only ambiguous if lots of nested folders are involved.)

(Update: Opus 12.6.3 added the locations to the Replace dialog.)

Ah, that's a shame it can't be done. I face this exact situation many times per day:

Can't tell which folder is the source, and which is the destination in that example. Ignore the date on the file being the same in this case, just made a copy of a random file to use for screenshot purposes.