Adding Cascading Folder Content to your context menus

I'm not being able to make this work.

I'm going to make a number of posts one after another each illustrating what happens at various points in the sequence because I don't seem to be able to attach all the screen shots in one post. Limit on number of attachments per post?

This post shows my context menu before attempting any of what is shown here. Not in particular the three items "File Finder ....", "Scan with Ad-Aware 2007", and "Ziphumter scan".

After attempting the steps given above and just before closing the dialogs, I see the following which looks OK to me:

But that results in the following context menu. Note that the items "Dile Finder ....". Scan with Ad-Aware 2007" and "Ziphunter scan" seem to have moved into the submenu of Contents.

Looking now back in the edit dialog, I see the following which seems to correspond to what I see in the context menu, but why did the items get rearranged?

I then right-clicked "File Finder" and selected "Decrease Indent" which caused the dialog to become the following. Looks OK.

But the context menu becomes:

Finally, looking one last time at the dialog, I see the following which looks a lot like the context menu, but, again, I don't know what rearranged the items.

If you delete the two new entries, close the dialog and filetypes editor, then go back in and create them at the bottom again, does the same thing happen?


Please go to /dopusdata/FileTypes and attach the Directory.oxr to a reply. I'll see if I can reproduce it.

BTW, I'm going to split the posts about this issue into a separate Help & Support thread, so if you can't them later have a look in the other forum. I'll leave things as they are for now so you have a chance to see this message.

Can this be used to navigate? Or just to open the end destination file.

To navigate as well... have you tried it out :wink:?

Yes. When I click on an intermediate location, such as a directory, no lister goes there. The only thing I have been able to do with it is open the final destination (file, prog, etc).

Change the function to:


Then you can navigate to the folders.

Thanks! Can it be made cascade automatically? I mean, without clicking every button to see what lies beyond, it still cant be used to navigate.
Perhaps what I'm looking for is better sought by customizing the breadcrumbs bar.

[quote="nudel"]Please go to /dopusdata/FileTypes and attach the Directory.oxr to a reply. I'll see if I can reproduce it.

BTW, I'm going to split the posts about this issue into a separate Help & Support thread, so if you can't them later have a look in the other forum. I'll leave things as they are for now so you have a chance to see this message.[/quote]

Files attached:

Directory-1.oxr.txt: State without "contents" additions present.

Directory-2.oxr.txt: State with "contents" additions present.

".txt" added because attachment process wouldn't seem to accept "oxr" as an extension.
Directory-1.oxr.txt (1.36 KB)
Directory-2.oxr.txt (2.05 KB)

[quote="IamZed"]Thanks! Can it be made cascade automatically? I mean, without clicking every button to see what lies beyond, it still cant be used to navigate.
Perhaps what I'm looking for is better sought by customizing the breadcrumbs bar.[/quote]
Sorry about that... I forgot you needed to add the 'buttons' arg to be able to load a folder. You can still use it to navigate tho, unless you mean somethign different by the word 'navigate'... if you click mouse button on the actual folder name, it loads that folder into the lister, if you specifically click on the downward facing arrow, then it will expand the folder in the context menu browse tree... if there is no arrow then I believe the folder is empty.

FWIW, when I get a chance I'll file a feature request to see if GPSoft can possibly make it so that hovering over the folder name will still expand the sub-folder contents... Personally, I don't like having to click on each arrow to continue browsing into the sub-folders, but still (like you) want to be able to actually click a folder name in order to load it into the lister.

Thanks! I saw that kind of cascading in the Explorer Breadcrumbs plugin, and have been trying to duplicate in in DOpus. Makes for a fast drill down.

Yeah I'd additionally like to see auto expanding while retaining the ability to open a folder in the current tab...or new tab\lister...from the context menu.

I also concur with IamZed about enhanced breadcrumbs where folder's only auto expand...tho some may prefer files also showing here.

As is I have a hard time staying strictly in DOpus, as I'm able to use these features when using Explorer with the following shell extensions: FastFolders, Folder Pilot

Nether of which play nicely with DOpus...dang it I want it all. :wink:

Okay I read through some other posts and sort of have a working solution...not near as nice as FastFolders...but more usable...I feel.

Fast Files |
Contents List | Go FOLDERCONTENT
Fast Folders |
Folder List | Go FOLDERCONTENT=nofiles,showempty

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FWIW, when I get a chance I'll file a feature request to see if GPSoft can possibly make it so that hovering over the folder name will still expand the sub-folder contents... Personally, I don't like having to click on each arrow to continue browsing into the sub-folders, but still (like you) want to be able to actually click a folder name in order to load it into the lister.[/quote]

I agree. I like to navigate to each subfolder but also would like to LC on the folder and have it appear. Kinda both ways.

Any way to have the selected folder appear in a new tab?