Adding DOpus Version (%V) to Title Bar Not Working

I have installed DOpus 13.13.1 and was intrigued to see the option to add the DOpus version number to the title bar of DOpus lister windows. However, it doesn't seem to work for me. In fact, the custom title option appears to be broken (for me at least).

Until now, I have been using a vbs script written by Leo back in 2014/15 that added 'DOpus.version.product' to the lister title.

I disabled that script and then set the custom title to '%N (DOpus %V)'

The lister title then became the full path of the source lister with the version number of If I renabled the vbs script, I get the correct version of 13.13.1.

I couldn't figure out where was coming from until I looked in the openlisters.oll file and saw a lot of text (xml ?) including a line that said (something like) Lister Title = "%P Directory Opus V13.12.0.0." near the beginning. After I re-enabled Leo's script, that file has since been overwritten somehow, and now contains just 2 lines of text:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<lister_layout flags="1" />

I have tried putting all sorts in the custom title field, and have exited DOpus (fully) several times and restarted my PC to get the correct title, all to no avail.

So, is it my system, or is there a bug in there somewhere?

The script has overridden the titlebar for that window.

  1. Delete the script.
  2. If the title is still wrong, type > into the file display to open a command field
    and run set listertitle from there to reset the title.

Thanks Leo for the rapid response and solution to the issue. That seems to have fixed my problem.

Edit: I just looked at the openlisters.oll file again, and it has been repopulated, including the line

<lister custom_name="%P - (Directory Opus" virtual_desktop="{69E65E8B-47DD-411C-A635-BEDE72A0A8AB}">

I have no idea where that is coming from.

@Leo, my lister title issue has returned.

I booted by PC this morning and the lister title is back to showing, which is the text that was in openlisters.oll yesterday. However, that file now only contains the same two lines as shown in my initial post above.

I've no idea what's going on here. Could it be a Windows registry setting?

You may need to re-save the Default Lister after resetting the title. Settings > Set Lister Defaults. (It can also auto-save when the window is closed, but is probably turned off if that hasn't already happened.)

If you are using layouts, those also need re-saving if they were saved with custom titles before.

Thanks Leo, that appears to have done the trick. I didn't think about the saved listers settings. I've now resaved my listers as well as the default lister and all appears to be well - for now anyway.

Thanks again.

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