Adjusted 90 degrees, came out 180 degrees


Trying to adjust pics to 90 degrees, but came out 180 degrees. Any thoughts why this happened? Thanks. (v13.11)


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How are you adjusting the photos?

Please include a zip with at least one photo that lets us reproduce the issue.

Probably not relevant, but it occurs to me that 90 degrees in one direction is the same as 180 degrees in the other.

Yep. I'm using buttons like


but have to have a second run, because something is going wrong the first time.

Yes, but only in the good old days. Nowadays you have to turn almost always 270 degrees. Because inflation :wink:

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Hi, can you try it? Thanks.

Great super sharp photos and taken with an iPhone !
I'm curious if you used a tripod. The exposure times are slow at 1/50 sec with a wide aperture.

I tried to rotate all of them 90 degrees and then 180 degrees using the built in Directory Opus image conversion.
So sorry, all is normal here.
Here is my redo result. (43.8 MB)

Your post was to Leo though, so I bow out to Leo's look at this.

Thank you for the test

Hi Leo,

Do you have any thoughts? Thanks.

I can only confirm what David already said:

Maybe answer this: