Administrator Mode is broken in DOpus v9.1.3 and higher

Hi there,

I realized lately that putting DOpus v9.1.3 in Adiminstrator Mode will require another prompt on launching apps that require elevation like regedit.

Actually, I was running it on Win7 x86, so I thought it is a compatibility issue that'll be fixed by a Win7-specific update, but unfortunately I found out that DOpus v9.5 is still having the same issue.

So to be certain, I ran DOpus v9.1.0.1 USB version on Win7 and found it working properly.

So there must be something broken after v9.1.0.1 or higher but for sure as of v9.1.3

My bet is that something has unregistered the DLL which Opus uses for admin mode. (Running a USB version and using admin mode on that could unregister the DLL of a HDD-install of Opus on the same machine, for example.)

If you reinstall Opus over the top of itself it should work around. Or just run regsvr32.exe on the DLLs in the Opus folder.

(Don't uninstall Opus, unless you've backed up your config first. You shouldn't need to unintall at all, though.)

I've checked on both Vista and Windows 7 and admin mode is still working fine in 9.5. I've only tried on x64 systems but I expect the problem is that the DLL isn't registered on your machine rather than a 32-bit issue. Shout if it still doesn't work.

FWIW, I've also tried on Vista 32-bit now, with Opus and 9.5, and it seems okay there for me as well.

Strange man, I just installed dopus v9.5 on a freshly installed win7 x86 in VMware VM. The same issue.

I also tried to register whatever I find in dopus folder, but in vain. Again v9.1.0.1 works properly.

Actually, it's difficult to debug this UAC issue as the debugger already needs to be run elevated and hence launch the debugee elevated!!!!!

I'll try Win2K8 SP2 inVMware and feed you back.

I may have misunderstood what's going wrong. I read the OP as saying that admin mode didn't work at all and always prompted for elevation to do anything that required it.

What are you running, and how are you running it, that gives different results between 9.1 and 9.5?

I think admin mode only elevates thing run via commands (buttons, hotkeys, etc.) and not things which are launched by double-clicking them. AFAIK that is by design.

I think admin mode only elevates thing run via commands (buttons, hotkeys, etc.) and not things which are launched by double-clicking them. AFAIK that is by design.[/quote]

Not true man.

  1. just install
  2. add the "Administrator Mode" button to the tool bar (Set Admin=Toggle)
  3. Click the button, and allow it to elevate.
  4. go to %SystemRoot%, and double-click regedit.exe, it'll run direcly without any prompt.

Now, install 9.5, follow the steps above, it'll ask for permission on step 4.

Got it?

Also, tested this on Windows Server 2008 Enterprise x86, and Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard x64, the same issue?

And I'm sure it was working before.
I had a lot of scripts that I run to build winpe wim, most use dism.exe that requires elevation. I now have to launch opus elevated to run these scripts without headache, but I usually forget about this and continue running elevated, not security-wise at least for me!

Also, I checked the reg keys required for UAC-Helper registration, and I think they're correct, don't?.

@="DOpusFileOperation Class"
"LocalizedString"="@C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopushlp.dll,-101"

"IconReference"="@C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopushlp.dll,-100"

@="C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopushlp.dll"





I think that's by design, though. If it worked differently in 9.1 to now the change may be on purpose. I might be wrong, of course!

If you think it should be changed back, drop GPSoft a note and see what they think.

I can see arguments for it working both ways so I don't see either as being "right" but, equally, I'd find either way acceptable so I wouldn't mind if it was changed.

In case it's useful, here's another thread I found on this issue, where there's a command that can be used to launch the selected exe file(s) elevated (without prompting if already in admin mode):
[ul][li]Lister in Admin Mode, programs not elevated[/li][/ul]That command could be used on a button or bound to, say, alt-double-click on exe files.

Leo, unhelpful and misleading replies!!! for the first time!!!

If that's the best you can do Wolfdale then it might be best if you don't bother asking your questions here. There's nothing 'unhelpful' or 'misleading' about Leo's reply, he's even taken the time to save you looking for a couple of relevant links.

Don't forget that Leo does not work for GPSoftware and is under no obligation to post here...