Advanced find by list of .txt files

good afternoon.

I'm in the software evaluation period, I'm not an advanced user and I don't know how to write code.

We have hundreds of thousands of .pdf files in countless folders and some of these files are in subfolders in other directories. I have a list in .txt of the path to each .pdf file. I need to find, move and/or delete them from one directory to another, is there any handy button to "load" a list (.txt?) of the paths?

If it doesn't exist, how do I ask someone to develop it?

If the text file lists the full path to each file, one per line, then you can load the list into Opus using this:

That requires typing the command line arguments for the tool, but no actual coding. It'd also be simple to make a button in Opus that you click which asks you for the file to load and loads it, if needed.

Considering that other users here at the company will also use the function in the future and that most of them do not understand the command line, a UI for this would be interesting.

How much does it cost for you to develop a UI like this?

as @Leo says, it's quite simple to add your button, just read the help.

/home\dopusrt.exe /col import /utf16le /create "My_Txt" {f}
Go NEWTAB=findexisting PATH=coll://My_Txt OPENINDEST

it's already there:

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CopyFromFiles copies files based on a text document. The script could easily be modified to delete files.


Take a look at toolbar: -Collections JEG.dop (6.5 KB)

It contains most options for using the Collections feature of Opus, including, a button to import into a collection a list of files each on a single line in a text file.

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hmmmm, sorry. I had already read many hours of another tutorial.