I'd like to make more use of the excellent aliases system in DOpus, but I'm finding it very hard to make sense of the only list that is available at Preference --> Favourites and Recent --> Folder Aliases.
The list can't be sorted by path.
The list is almost four times longer than the height of the window.
The window is not wide enough to display the whole path of many entries.
There is no facility to multi-select entries, then copy and paste them.
Could I suggest that the window be provided with an "Export to .csv file" option at the top of the window? That would make the minimum disturbance to the layout of the DOpus Preferences window, but would straightforwardly allow a properly considered approach to using the aliases via Excel or other spreadsheet software. Clearly a lot of work has gone into the list of built-in aliases, and it deserves better treatment. Apologies if I am missing something.
Maybe this will help. Didn't take long to make. It's not that big a list to scan through and most of the alias names are either self-explanatory or for folders you probably don't need to go to if they're not.
Thanks very much for that. Leo. It's a great advance on what I had, and I can already see just about everything I want to see.
I tried sorting, using Omnipage to get the text into a spreadsheet, but the font seems to beat Omnipage and it's all a mess. It's hardly an issue any more, but is there any way to get the list into .csv or .txt form?
Thanks very much, REB. That gives me everything I need. I hadn't realised the usefulness and flexibility of the alias system until it was mentioned in the notes to a recent update.