Aligns the right column of the custom listview dialog to the border

Control.redraw solves flickering of listview dialog. Another problem: No matter how I adjust, I see the blue line in the right column, is it possible to make it not appear?
Of course it's a small problem, can ignore it. . .

function OnClick(clickData)

    var strValue;
    var strName;

    var dlg = DOpus.Dlg;

    dlg.title = "Directory Opus";
    dlg.template = "dlgList";
    dlg.detach = true;
	dlg.Control("static").label = "Topic";                                  // Topic
	dlg.Control("static2").label = "Notes";                                 // Notes
	dlg.Control("static3").label = "D:\\Icons\\Find.png";                   // Icon
	dlg.Control("static4").label = "D:\\Icons\\Find.png";                   // Icon
	dlg.Control("static5").label = "D:\\Icons\\Clear.png";                  // Clear

    updateList(dlg, strName, strValue);


	var lst = dlg.Control("list");
	var col = lst.columns;

    while (true) {
        var msg = dlg.GetMsg();
        if (!msg.result) break;

// Result
        if(msg.event == "focus" || dlg.Control("btnOK").focus == true) {
		   var items = "";
           for (i=0; i < lst.count; i ++) {
                if (lst.GetItemAt(i).checked == 1) {
				    items += lst.GetItemAt(i).name;
					items+= "\r\n";

// Right click list menu
        if (msg.event == "rclick" && lst.focus == true) {

            var dlgMenu = DOpus.Dlg;
            if (lst.value.index > -1) {
                //dlgMenu.choices = DOpus.Create.Vector("Edit...", "Delete", "-", "Select Variable", "Deselect Variable", "-", "Select All", "Select None", "-", "Copy Name", "Copy Value", "-", "Clear Filter", "Refresh");
				dlgMenu.choices = DOpus.Create.Vector("OK", "Cancel");
                // = DOpus.Create.Vector(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); = DOpus.Create.Vector(1, 1);
            else {
                //dlgMenu.choices = DOpus.Create.Vector("New...", "Delete", "-", "Select Variable", "Deselect Variable", "-", "Select All", "Select None", "-", "Copy Name", "Copy Value", "-", "Clear Filter", "Refresh");
				dlgMenu.choices = DOpus.Create.Vector("OK", "Cancel");
       = DOpus.Create.Vector(1,1);
            var menuReturn = dlgMenu.Show;

// Filter
		if (msg.event == "editchange" || msg.event == "click") {
			updateList(dlg, strName, strValue);


// Output result
	if(items != "" && dlg.result == 1) {
	   var array = items.split("\r\n");
       for (i=0; array[i]; i ++) {

function updateList(dlg, strName, strValue) {

    var lst = dlg.Control("list");
	var col = lst.columns;

// Add columns
	var vecOrder = col.GetDisplayOrder();
    if (vecOrder.size < 1)

    lst.redraw = false;

// List items
    var text = "tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4, tag5, tag6, tag7, tag8, tag9, tag10, tag11, tag12, tag13, tag14, tag15, tag16, tag17, tag18, tag19, tag20, tag21, tag22, tag23, tag24, tag25, tag26, tag27, tag28, tag29, tag30, tag31, tag32, tag33, tag34, tag35";
	var myArray = text.split(", ");                           // Seprator

	var idx;
	var ii = 0;
    for(i = 0; myArray[i]; i++) {
        strName = myArray[i];
		var strRealName = myArray[i];

		var strFilter = dlg.Control("editFilter").value;      // Get filter value
		strFilter = strFilter.toLowerCase();

		if ( == -1) {

        idx = lst.AddItem(strName);                           // Add each item to list
		lst.GetItemAt(idx).subitems(0) = i+1;                 // Add number to column 1 (Index)

		strRealName = "";
		strFilter = "";

// Set the columns display order
	if (true)

// Resizing columns
	col.GetColumnAt(1).width = String(i).length+25;
	if (ii > 27)
	   col.GetColumnAt(0).width = 420-String(i).length;
	   col.GetColumnAt(0).width = 437-String(i).length;
	lst.redraw = true;

	<resource name="dlgList" type="dialog">
		<dialog fontsize="9" height="350" lang="english" resize="yes" title="Directory Opus" width="279">
			<control halign="left" height="12" name="editFilter" resize="w" tip="Filter" type="edit" width="118" x="25" y="331" />
			<control checkboxes="auto" fullrow="yes" height="287" name="list" noheader="yes" resize="wh" type="listview" viewmode="details" width="266" x="6" y="40" />
			<control close="1" default="yes" height="12" name="btnOK" resize="xy" title="&amp;OK" type="button" width="42" x="184" y="332" />
			<control close="0" height="12" name="btnClose" resize="xy" title="C&amp;ancel" type="button" width="42" x="229" y="332" />
			<control halign="left" height="8" name="static" title="Topic" type="static" valign="top" width="236" x="33" y="7" />
			<control halign="left" height="13" image="yes" name="static3" title="Static" type="static" valign="top" width="13" x="7" y="5" />
			<control halign="left" height="13" image="yes" name="static4" title="Static" type="static" valign="top" width="13" x="8" y="330" />
			<control halign="left" height="16" name="static2" title="Notes" type="static" valign="top" width="236" x="33" y="20" />
			<control halign="left" height="5" name="static5" title="Static" type="static" valign="top" width="6" x="134" y="335" />

That's part of the Windows theme. Not a fan of it either but it's there in most (standard, themed) listviews with column lines.