{allfilepath} - Changing separetor between each file

Weird, I wrote and thought I posted a script for this yesterday but it looks like I didn't post it.

/p1 looks like the email subject parameter from the SwithMail docs, so I think {file$} is expected to be the name of the first file.

I think this small change to tbone's script makes it do what you want with the /p1 {file$} part, although I have not tested it:

Script Type: JScript

[code]function OnClick(data){
var f=data.func, cmd=f.command, tab=f.sourcetab, sfiles=tab.selected_files, atts="";

for(var i=0;i<tab.selected_files.count;i++)

cmd.RunCommand('D:\Utilities\SwithMail\SwithMail.exe '+
'/s /x "D:\Utilities\SwithMail\smset.xml" /p1 "' +
sfiles(i).name +
'" /a "'+atts+'"');

Here's the script I wrote yesterday, which I tested and which also does the /p1 {file$} part:

Script Type: JScript

[code]function OnClick(clickData)
if (clickData.func.sourcetab.selected.count > 0)
var cmd = clickData.func.command;
cmd.deselect = false; // Prevent automatic deselection

	var firstFileName = "";
	var fileList = "";

	for (var eSel = new Enumerator(clickData.func.sourcetab.selected); !eSel.atEnd(); eSel.moveNext())
		if (!eSel.item().is_dir)
			if (fileList.length > 0)
				fileList += "|";
				firstFileName = eSel.item().Name
			fileList += eSel.item().RealPath;

	var cmdLine = '"D:\\Utilities\\SwithMail\\SwithMail.exe" /s /x "D:\\Utilities\\SwithMail\\smset.xml" /p1 "' + firstFileName + '" /a "' + fileList + '"';

