Allow Evaluator Columns return value collection describing group in details

For Evaluator Groups we can explicitly return data about group ordering. Would be nice to support this for Evaluator Columns as well (in "group" operation of course).

As an example, here I've resorted to a simple prepending of numbers to group names to make them sorted by "age". Would be better to have independent param for ordering and to have a nice & clean group name without numbers.
In that example I would prefer to return [ name = today_str; order = modified; ]; over return "1. " + today_str;

Probably (I didn't try) I could drop custom grouping functionality from EvalCol (and return raw datetime for this operation just like I do for sorting), then create new EvalGroup and move custom grouping functionality there (now with the ability to explicitly sort groups), then apply this new grouping scheme to EvalCol, but if this is the way - it looks like overkill to me.

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