Currently the folder tree is being sorted alphabetically:
There are a lot of cases where I need to sort by date created or date modified, etc etc. For example today, I needed to go through a series of folders and manually verify its contents against a list shown on a web browser. So I wanted to use the folder to tree to quickly jump from folder to folder until I have confirmed all of them. The issue was that the list on the web browser is show in the order they were created, while the folder tree lists folders alphabetically. So I could not go about it this way.
I am placing a feature request to determine how the folder trees sorts its items, similar to a lister, with the option to set the ascending/descending order. Lastly, a internal command that will allow you to set the sort order and ascending/descending on the go.
PS: I am only reffering to the tree child items, not the root items
Thank you