Almost everything missing from display

Almost everything missing from display

A single row listing drive letter is seen. If a drive is selected, list of folders in that drive are visible

The menu bar, the next bar beneath it listing commands and following data are missing.
It was that way initially, but the computer was only used for some word processing and checking the internet with long periods of inactivity. I’m trying to get it running normally.

I’m probably using 12.28 Pro, but I cannot see the help icon. I’m using win 10 on a Dell i3670 laptop.

I probably should delete and reinstall, but there are issues with reinstalling a purchased product.


  • Click the lightbulb icon in the top-left corner, then click Customize from the menu.

  • On the Toolbars tab, make sure both Menu and Operations are turned on.

  • Then click OK.

Thanks for your help, but I the Tools menu (listing File, edit, Tools, and settings) is missing.
I went to This PC, but the C: drive had a rectangular box instead of a light bulb icon, Left-clicking the box did nothing, and right-clicking gave a different set of commands.


If your config is completely messed up, the easiest thing to do is uninstall and reinstall the program, which will reset everything to the defaults.

There’s no issue doing that in terms of your licence. You just need to add the certificate again after the reinstall, the same as when it was installed originally.

(See the menus on the top left of the page if you need to re-download your certificate.)

Reinstalling fixed the problem! Thanks for your help.


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