Not sure this has been posted before but legit crazy to see the directory opus shortcut on the desktop I'm 36 years old and had to look up what Amiga even was.
Where did you dig up these screenshots? o)
If you were born in the late 80s, yes, you probably did not mess around with Amiga computers in the 90s. Unfortunately the system lost popularity and was lagging behind in performance and some other aspects around the year 2000. It was kind of dead by then. I tried hard to not make the switch to a Windows PC, but.. nah, there was no way if you wanted to surf the complete Internet e.g..
AmigaOS still has some nice concepts you will not meet in "modern" operating systems like Linux and Windows or MacOS.
Assigns, "XPK" the archiving framework, system wide "DataTypes", dynamic "Ram-Disk", set boot device directly in "BIOS" and lot's more. It was a breeze to use, I still miss a lot of Amiga features today, but I don't miss much of the system patches and hacks that we used back then. My system(s) were not stable at all anymore, multiple reboots per day, file system corruption was a constant issue and running my little BBS was kind of a nightmare at the very end.
Fortunately, at least one of the golden bits made it over to the Windows PC! o) The day I installed Directory Opus v6 on Windows 2000 I was hooked by stability and performance and I had to let go the Amiga dream. Sigh. o)