In case, for whatever reason, Opus is unable to preview a file it will continue trying to show the preview until Opus is 'killed' thru the taskmanager, or close X
It could be that the file simply can not be handled by Opus. For instance a file that has been converted in a wrong way, or a renamed encrypted file.
Taskmanager: Opus is 'not responding'.
Not sure if at all it is technically possible: maybe add an option to set some sort of 'time out' after xx minutes?
Say 5 minutes or so, which usually is sufficient to preview even large files.
After a kind of "Unable to preview", [Close][Continue]
When closing, just close the preview panel.
For sure, this is just an occasional thing.
Reason for this post: just now I had a case of 'no preview'.
Used that 'close button' right hand top corner, but at trying to relaunch Opus it did not show up.
Taskmanager showed it was still running, so I 'killed' Opus.
When relaunching, existing open tabs are/were gone (at least, in my case).
The suggestion is for a, let's say, more 'elegant' way of handling a 'not responding' Opus.
Opus v.13.13
(Just FWIW: in this case it was a file that I renamed to .txt.
NotePad, NotePadPlus, EditPadPro they all could open the txt file)