Apple Mac support

Every now and then I make this request and I'll put it out again to keep it in people's minds, but there's a bunch of people out there who would love to see this program running on a modern Mac. My PC tends to mostly be a gaming computer connected to the TV these days and most of my day to day usage is on a macbook pro. DOpus for the Mac would be a fantastic addition and it's functionality much needed.

Today for example, is the first time I've o-pened up DOpus on my PC in a while, hence just noticing the new V13 option, not sure when I will upgrade atm. If I had this on my Mac I would be a day one upgrade!

Come on, just think about it. There's a whole bunch of users out there waiting to say hello :slight_smile:

no feedback? oh well, I'll crawl back under my rock for a while again...

Well, I guess it's a lot more than a simple feature request, isn't it? :wink:
Opus is deeply rooted in Windows and acts as its extension. It would be a lot of work to port it.
Seek the forum for similar discussions about porting to Linux, you will find many such threads with enough discussion (also around Mac OS) to close this topic, I think.


There seem to be two Directory Opus developers.

I know only one application on similar level with two developers which is available for both Windows and macOS: PhotoLine.

The PhotoLine developers are two brothers where one develops the Windows version and the other develops the macOS version, so each one can deeply adapt to the specific system.

So what is the conclusion for Directory Opus?

Ask Jon and Leo if they could agree that one of them would find enough enthusiasm in using a Mac and turn himself mainly to macOS development.

That is the crucial question.

I have a MacBook Air in casual use which I like pretty much, and I could imagine to do this if I were two. :smiley:

JPEG developer

Opus is deeply rooted in Windows and acts as its extension. It would be a lot of work to port it.

It's already been ported from the amiga :slight_smile:

There seem to be two Directory Opus developers.

There seem to be two Directory Opus developers.

I know it's a lot of work and the dev's may well consider that it's too much work, or that they don't have the expertise etc. I'd just like to point out that there's a whole userbase around that would really love an app like this, it's a smaller userbase sure, but they are a userbase more likely to pay.

They've not ported it yet, so they may never but I like to at least ask the question every now and then, keep it in the dev's minds as an option...

Don't get me wrong, I support your request!

I just pointed out to ask the right question.

Consider another application on similar level on macOS: GraphicConverter.
"This program impresses users and specialists alike and even Apple. Many people have come to know and depend upon GraphicConverter after finding it installed on their new computers by Apple!" (Lemkesoft).
Imagine finding Directory Opus installed on your new Windows computer... :slightly_smiling_face:

After getting my new MacBook Air and releasing the latest JPEG Library version I asked Thorsten Lemke for JPEG 9 support in GraphicConverter, and he responded promptly.

I didn't ask for a Windows version of GraphicConverter. :wink:
I could see that it is "deeply rooted in macOS and acts as its extension", and there is only one principal developer.
In that respect the situation with DOpus seems a bit better, but still challenging...

Lemke moved from Atari to the Apple Macintosh.
Directory Opus moved from Amiga to Windows.
I moved from Atari to Windows, now also Mac.
PhotoLine moved from Atari to both Windows and Mac.

The different development conditions on Windows and macOS are outlined in my previous article.

JPEG developer