Applications Toolbar - button content does not match actual

I have just added the Applications toolbar to my setup, and I find that the drop-down lists for both the Desktop and the Quick Launch buttons contain items which have not been in the actual Desktop and Quick Launch folders for aeons, and also are missing items which are in the said folders.

I have tried closing DOpus (fully), and restarting it, in case it might need to refresh something somewhere, but no joy.

I am assuming the Applications toolbar is a standard item issued with DOpus, yes? I cannot remember creating it, but then perhaps a senior moment...

Any ideas?

EDIT: :blush: THe more I play with it, the more I come to the conclusion it IS something I created myself! Alzheimer's???

However, wouldn't it be neat if DOpus COULD create a Desktop and a Quick Launch button, which would automatically refresh when it was loaded. Hmm...

I know what you mean Bernard, in the past I've had trouble remembering which toolbars are Opus defaults and which are ones I created. So I started a pattern of prefixing the name of every toolbar I created with the word "My". e.g. "My Quicklaunch" "My Filters" "My Favorites" and so on. That way all my toolbars are grouped together whenever I view them in Opus customize mode and I can tell in a glance which ones are not mine.

As far as buttons to launch no longer installed programs being on a toolbar, those little yellow smiley face icons that Opus substitutes for the original icons kind of brightens up the toolbar a bit eh?

[quote="JohnZeman"]I know what you mean Bernard, in the past I've had trouble remembering which toolbars are Opus defaults and which are ones I created. So I started a pattern of prefixing the name of every toolbar I created with the word "My". e.g. "My Quicklaunch" "My Filters" "My Favorites" and so on. That way all my toolbars are grouped together whenever I view them in Opus customize mode and I can tell in a glance which ones are not mine.

As far as buttons to launch no longer installed programs being on a toolbar, those little yellow smiley face icons that Opus substitutes for the original icons kind of brightens up the toolbar a bit eh?[/quote]Hello John..

The 'My' prefix is not a bad idea. Now, all I have to do is work out which toolbars are mine! :smiley:

...and you are right about the smiley faces too.

Hi Bernard/John...

If you move your toolbars' .dop files out of the "GPSoftware\Directory Opus\Buttons" folder, then exit the dopus process and restart it, the following 'default' toolbars are recreated...


I've also attached a zip file with the full set of 'default' toolbar .dop files installed (as of v8.2.0.4 ANSI) if you want them for comparison. Personally, I've taken the opposite approach from you guys... I've renamed all the default toolbars to and created some hotkeys to load them for reference when offering advice on the forums - since I've created all of my own toolbars from scratch and have no hope of remembering what was 'borrowed' from the original toolbars :slight_smile:.

All that babble aside, I'm not seeing any desktop or quicklaunch drop downs in these dop files... Parkinsons?
Default toolbars (21.9 KB)

Hi Steje,

I found the same result this weekend.
I renamed some of my toolbars and then imported the default toolbar from an older C drive image to a different Dir.
Much to my delight, it wasn't necessary at all as DOpus had already recreated them in their default state.

Hmmm.... Did I restart DOpus in the process ?
Yes, almost certainly, as I renamed displayed toolbars.
I restarted DOpus to get rid of the display of the old names.

Interesting though is that we have no ability to reorder the toolbar list !
Or Did I miss it ?

:opusicon: porcupine

It's alphabetic, right?

I changed the menus so I've got a list of just the toolbars I regularly toggle (most of which also have hotkeys and/or top-level toolbar buttons for quicker toggling), moving the full list to a sub-sub-menu.

So that I know which are my toolbars, and also because I'm paranoid they might be overwritten one day, I've called almost all of mine Nudel-*. I screwed up by submitting the thumnails/images toolbar with that name, though, since now there's an official toolbar called Nudel-Images that's mingling with my toolbars in the list. Oops!

That "Testing" toolbar actually toggles three bars:

Toolbar NAME=Testing STATE=left TOGGLE LOCAL
Toolbar NAME=ListerMenu STATE=bottom TOGGLE LOCAL
Toolbar NAME=Toolbar STATE=bottom TOGGLE LOCAL

I use that on the Ctrl-' hotkey to quickly check where things are in the default menus (to make sure I'm not directing someone to a menu item that only exists on my computer) and to also toggle on a toolbar where I make random buttons to try stuff out without messing up my proper toolbars.

Most of my toggled toolbars now have close buttons so I can get rid of them quickly with the mouse (without having to find some empty space).


Thanks Steje for the download. I've picked it up, as I percieve it as marginally less work than moving my own toolbars out, and having DOpus regenerate its own.

Some good ideas from Leo , too. Thanks.

Thanks very much Nudel,

I have done similarly .
My Toolbar Menu is much better now.
However, Toolbar List does not sort alphabetically of my old machine.
It simply appends new toolbars in the folder to the bottom of the list.
Oh well, I'll have a new computer in the near future.
It's being built now piece by piece as I have extra cash.

:opusicon: porcupine

Hi Nudel,

In fact, on this old machine, your toolbar toggles only work for Default Opus toolbar names.
Any toolbar I've added doesn't toggle.
Again, Oh well, these are this machine's final hours !
Your "Kitty" deserved as much !

:opusicon: porcupine

Porc, I expect you're trying to toggle a Global toolbar with the Local switch, or vice versa.

A command will only toggle the same type of toolbar. If you've got some global toolbars (shown in all windows) then you should close them first before using a button which toggles them with the Local argument (so they only appear in the active window).

Quite right Nudel .
It all works now.

Thanks Much,
:opusicon: porcupine