How to I invoke the built in backup/restore command using a keyboard short cut?
The reason I need this by the way is so I can back up whilst keeping the built in toolbar that conatins the command closed.
Thhanks, Greg
How to I invoke the built in backup/restore command using a keyboard short cut?
The reason I need this by the way is so I can back up whilst keeping the built in toolbar that conatins the command closed.
Thhanks, Greg
Try using PREFS Backuprestore in a button or as a user command.
See the two FAQs on config backup / location if you want to automate the backup (you just have to copy the contents of /dopusdata):
[How to backup or locate your Opus configuration (Simple))
[HOW TO: Backup or locate your Opus configuration (Advanced))
BTW if you want to see what a built-in toolbar/menu does, just edit it via Settings -> Customize, then right-click whatever you're interested in. There's nothing special about the built-in toolbars/menus. You can edit/delete/modify them or copy/move bits of them to other toolbars/menus.