Assign-command? & sorting!

is there any Amigian "Assign" command on Windows? (stupid os)
i can't uninstall AutoCAd - i need "Autocad 200x" disk? but i don't want to write new
disk with this diskname!

  1. can i sort only selected files? (i have 10000 files in a lister & i select [by dupchecker]
    four of them? can i see them all together-one after another)

I have to pass on the first question as I do not understand what you are asking.

For number 2 however, I'm not aware of a direct way to only sort the selected files leaving the unselected unsorted. But you can hide the unselected and then sort the remaining selected as you wish which is close to what you want to do. To hide everything that is not selected, use the following command:


To show them again, use this command:


Regarding assigns, Windows supports ways to map drive letters (subst) and directories (junction points) to other paths. You can also create your own aliases in Opus which work a lot like Amiga assigns, except they're only useful within Opus rather than system-wide as assigns were.

While you can assign a drive letter to a directory, I'm not aware of any way to pretend that the drive letter has a particular label. It's pretty uncommon for things to check drive labels in Windows, and when programs ask for a disk with a particular label they usually confirm the disk via other methods, but it's not impossible or unheard of, either. I've never heard of an uninstaller requiring such a thing, though.

If you don't want to use up a CD then you could write to a virtual CD image file and then mount that. Same result, minus the physical media.