Been a while since I've been around here... Opus has been running great.
I just downloaded Asus MultiFrame, and have found that it interrupts the "double-click desktop" feature for DOpus. When MultiFrame is running, double-clicking the desktop background does nothing. When I close MultiFrame, functionality is restored. Just wondering if anyone has had this issue and if there is a solution?
It is probably replacing the desktop with its own window, or installing a mouse hook which does not forward events to other hooks properly.
If you turn off desktop double-click in Opus, apply, then turn it back on and apply again, does it start working then? If so, their hook is not forwarding events properly and you'll need to make sure that dopusrt.exe /dblclk is started after the Asus tool, or complain to Asus and hope they fix it.
If it still doesn't work, then please use WinLister to work out the details of the desktop window (name + class are the important ones) and post them here. We may be able to make Opus detect the window in a future update.
As you suspected, it seems MultiFrame is not forwarding the mouse hooks correctly. If I enable MultiFrame, then toggle the DOpus double-click setting (applying after each toggle), DOpus & MultiFrame will the function in harmony. I would have to follow this procedure after each boot (or after launching MultiFrame.
I've since found an alternative to MultiFrame, called AquaSnap, which I am just about to install & try.
I'll post back with results.
Thanks again mate.
just tried AquaSnap, and seems to have potential, but doesn't work well (only works sometimes on some windows), and also doesn't work on the 2nd monitor. I'll have a poke around WinLister, and see if I can find the MultiFrame details.