Is it possible to speed up image conversion with dopusRT and @async ? or is that non sensical... if say I had 10,000 files to convert...
I presume that would lock up the system ? but might speed things up if I was converting say 20 files?
I know I can select say 1000 and run a script and then continue on converting the next 1000 etc.
Years later came up with simple solution to convert image sequences with 5 threads, or I have another using 10 threads.
The last command is just to hold things up before deleting originals.
//Multiple Threads at same time.
//================== 5 Threads =============================================
Select *(0|1).*
@set s1 {F}
//async means dont wait for this to complete.
@async:dopusrt /acmd Image CONVERT=jpg PRESERVEASPECTRATIO HERE REPLACE=always
Select *(2|3).*
@set s2 {F}
@async:dopusrt /acmd Image CONVERT=jpg PRESERVEASPECTRATIO HERE REPLACE=always
Select *(4|5).*
@set s3 {F}
@async:dopusrt /acmd Image CONVERT=jpg PRESERVEASPECTRATIO HERE REPLACE=always
Select *(6|7).*
@set s4 {F}
@async:dopusrt /acmd Image CONVERT=jpg PRESERVEASPECTRATIO HERE REPLACE=always
Select *(8|9).*
@set s5 {F}
//do wait for this one before we delete all the following images.
Delete {$s1} {$s2} {$s3} {$s4} {$s5}
//================== 5 Threads =============================================
I eventually deleted this and went with imagemagick for multiple threads, once I tested the above it actually wasn't running faster than using one conversion in Opus.