@async Image conversion DopusRT faster

Is it possible to speed up image conversion with dopusRT and @async ? or is that non sensical... if say I had 10,000 files to convert...
I presume that would lock up the system ? but might speed things up if I was converting say 20 files?

I know I can select say 1000 and run a script and then continue on converting the next 1000 etc.

Any pointers appreciated, and thanks.


Not in any simple way, using those alone, as they would run all 10,000 conversions in parallel.

Years later came up with simple solution to convert image sequences with 5 threads, or I have another using 10 threads.

The last command is just to hold things up before deleting originals.

//Multiple Threads at same time.

//================== 5 Threads =============================================
Select *(0|1).*
@set s1 {F} 
//async means dont wait for this to complete.
@async:dopusrt /acmd Image CONVERT=jpg PRESERVEASPECTRATIO HERE REPLACE=always

Select *(2|3).*
@set s2 {F} 
@async:dopusrt /acmd Image CONVERT=jpg PRESERVEASPECTRATIO HERE REPLACE=always

Select *(4|5).*
@set s3 {F} 
@async:dopusrt /acmd Image CONVERT=jpg PRESERVEASPECTRATIO HERE REPLACE=always

Select *(6|7).*
@set s4 {F} 
@async:dopusrt /acmd Image CONVERT=jpg PRESERVEASPECTRATIO HERE REPLACE=always

Select *(8|9).*
@set s5 {F} 
//do wait for this one before we delete all the following images.

Delete {$s1} {$s2} {$s3} {$s4} {$s5}

//================== 5 Threads =============================================

For anybody visiting this thread...

I eventually deleted this and went with imagemagick for multiple threads, once I tested the above it actually wasn't running faster than using one conversion in Opus.