Functional Overview
This Button attaches the selected items to a new Thunderbird mail. Either directly as single files or together in one zip file.
- If nothing is selected the button is disabled.
- When no modifier key is pressed the selected files are attached directly to a new email.
- If also folders are selected a dialog box will inform the user that folders will be ignored. The user can proceed ("OK") or abort ("Cancel") the script.
- If only folders were selected a dialog box will inform the user that folders cannot be attached to a mail and the script will end.
- When the "shift" key is pressed while clicking on the button the selected files and folders are archived to a zip-file which is attached to a new mail. A dialog box will be displayed where the user can define the name or abort the script.
- The zip file is created in a temporary folder in the windows-temp folder. This temporary folder is deleted automatically later by Opus (function "GetTempDirPath").
- When the "ctrl" key is pressed while clicking on the button the selected files and folders are archived to a zip-file which is copied to the clipboard. A dialog box will be displayed where the user can define the name or abort the script.
- The zip file is created in a temporary folder in the windows-temp folder. This temporary folder is deleted automatically later by Opus (function "GetTempDirPath").
- If you install the Thunderbird Add-on mentioned in the chapter "How to install" you can add this zip file (and/ or other single files) to an already opened "new mail"-window.
Included language overlays
- English
- German
How to Install
Simply drag and drop the dcf file onto an appropriate toolbar. See also How to use buttons and scripts from this forum
To be able to attach the zip-file created with the modifier "ctrl" you need the Thunderbird add-on "Attach from clipboard" / "Anhang aus Zwischenablage".
How to Use
- If you want to add files directly to a new mail:
- Select the desired files and click on the button. A new thunderbid mail will be opened with the selected files attached.
- If you want to add files and/or folders as zip-file to a new mail:
- Select the desired files (and folders) and press the "shift"-key while clicking on the button. A new thunderbid mail will be opened with the zip file attached.
- If you want to add some files and/or folders as zip-file to an already existing "new mail"-window:
- Select the desired files (and folders) and press the "ctrl"-key while clicking on the button.
- Switch to the existing "new mail"-windows and press "ctrl+alt+v". The new zip file is now attached to the mail.
- If you want to add a single file directly to an already existing "new mail"-window:
- Select the desired file and press "ctrl+c". Do not use the "Attach to Mail"-button.
- Switch to the existing "new mail"-windows and press "ctrl+alt+v". The copied file is now attached to the mail.
- It is a limitation of the Windows OS that you can only attach one file at once with this method.
Thanks to @Leo and @lxp for their help for some parts of the code. Also thanks to the community for other code snippets shared in this forum which helped me.
Further Development
Please share any problems or ideas that could improve this Button.
Button code
function OnClick(clickData) {
var cmd = clickData.func.command;
var tab = clickData.func.sourcetab;
var Dlg = DOpus.Dlg;
var fsu = DOpus.FSUtil;
var lang = DOpus.language;
cmd.deselect = false;
if (clickData.func.qualifiers === "none") {
if (tab.selected_files.count > 0 && tab.selected_dirs.count === 0) {
DOpus.Output("Only files have been selected and are now attached to a new mail");
cmd.RunCommand('thunderbird -compose "attachment=\'{allfilepath|sep=,}\'"');
} else if (tab.selected_files.count > 0 && tab.selected_dirs.count > 0) {
DOpus.Output("Also folders have been selected, but only the selected files are now attached to a new mail");
Dlg.window = tab;
Dlg.icon = "warning"; = true;
Dlg.title = DOpus.Strings.Get("titleWarn");
Dlg.message = DOpus.Strings.Get("warningFolder1");
if (lang === "English") {
Dlg.buttons = "OK|Cancel";
} else if (lang === "Deutsch") {
Dlg.buttons = "OK|Abbrechen";
var retVal = Dlg.Show;
if (retVal === 0) {
DOpus.Output("Pressed button: Cancel");
} else if (retVal === 1) {
cmd.RunCommand('thunderbird -compose "attachment=\'{allfilepath|sep=,}\'"');
} else {
DOpus.Output("Only folders have been selected. The script will terminate.");
Dlg.window = tab;
Dlg.icon = "warning"; = true;
Dlg.title = DOpus.Strings.Get("titleWarn");
Dlg.message = DOpus.Strings.Get("warningFolder2");
Dlg.buttons = "OK";
} else if (clickData.func.qualifiers === "shift" || clickData.func.qualifiers === "ctrl") {
DOpus.Output("All selected files and folders are now archived to a zip file");
Dlg.window = tab;
Dlg.icon = "question"; = true;
Dlg.title = DOpus.Strings.Get("title");
Dlg.message = DOpus.Strings.Get("question");
Dlg.max = 50;
if (lang === "English") {
Dlg.buttons = "OK|Cancel";
} else if (lang === "Deutsch") {
Dlg.buttons = "OK|Abbrechen";
var retVal = Dlg.Show;
var arcname = Dlg.input;
if (retVal === 0) {
DOpus.Output("Pressed button: Cancel");
} else if (retVal === 1 && clickData.func.qualifiers === "shift") {
DOpus.Output("Pressed button: OK / Name of archive: " + arcname);
var tmpPath = fsu.GetTempDirPath(1);
cmd.RunCommand('Copy ARCHIVE="' + tab.selected + '" TO="' + tmpPath + '" CREATEFOLDER="' + arcname + '"');
DOpus.Output("Temppath: " + tmpPath);
cmd.RunCommand('thunderbird -compose "attachment=' + tmpPath + '\\' + arcname + '.zip"');
} else if (retVal === 1 && clickData.func.qualifiers === "ctrl") {
DOpus.Output("pressed button: OK / Name of archive: " + arcname);
var tmpPath = fsu.GetTempDirPath(1);
cmd.RunCommand('Copy ARCHIVE="' + tab.selected + '" TO="' + tmpPath + '" CREATEFOLDER="' + arcname + '"');
DOpus.Output("Temppath: " + tmpPath);
cmd.RunCommand('Clipboard COPY FILE="' + tmpPath + '\\' + arcname + '.zip"');
} else {
DOpus.Output("The key pressed is not supported as modifier.");
Dlg.window = tab;
Dlg.icon = "warning"; = true;
Dlg.title = DOpus.Strings.Get("titleWarn");
Dlg.message = DOpus.Strings.Get("warningQual");
Dlg.buttons = "OK";
<resource type="strings">
<strings lang="deutsch">
<string id="title">Archivname</string>
<string id="titleWarn">Warnung</string>
<string id="question">Wie soll das Archiv benannt werden?</string>
<string id="warningFolder1">Es wurden auch Ordner selektiert. Diese werden übersprungen.</string>
<string id="warningFolder2">Ordner können nicht einer E-Mail angehängt werden.</string>
<string id="warningQual">Die gedrückte Taste wird als Modifikator nicht unterstützt.</string>
<strings lang="english">
<string id="title">Archive name</string>
<string id="titleWarn">Warning</string>
<string id="question">How should the archive be named?</string>
<string id="warningFolder1">Folders were selected as well. These will be skipped.</string>
<string id="warningFolder2">Folders cannot be attached to an email.</string>
<string id="warningQual">The key pressed is not supported as modifier.</string>
Button Download
Warning : Only tested with DOpus v12.26
Mail.dcf (8.6 KB)
Mail.dcf (9.3 KB)
- added the possibility to abort the script if the dialog box informs the user that folders will be ignored.