Audio_text.mp3track does not retrieve full string

Hello, I have created a new column to display "raw" track information in mp3 files, I have a number of them with alphanumeric track numbers (A1..., B1..., C1..., D1...) in digitized old vinyls. I hace checked with an hex editor that the information is indeed in the TRCK frame of the files, but audio_text.mp3track only shows the numeric part, while I expected to get "the unmodified text".
The script is as follows (DOpus 12.4 x86 on XP SP3):

function OnInit(initData) { = "anTrack Column";
   initData.desc = "Adds a column with alphanumneric TRCK audio data.";
   initData.default_enable = true; 

   var cmd = initData.AddColumn(); = "anTrack";
   cmd.method = "OnAnTrack";
   cmd.label = "anTrack";
   cmd.autorefresh = true; 
   cmd.justify = "center";

function OnAnTrack(scriptColData) {

   if (scriptColData.col != "anTrack")
   if (scriptColData.item.metadata == "audio")   
                scriptColData.value = scriptColData.item.metadata.audio_text.mp3track;

Is this working as expected?

That's working as expected.

Metadata.audio_text: This provides access to the same text as displayed in a Lister. For example, a numeric field like "track number" would be returned as a string rather than an int.

It should give you the exact same thing that is displayed in the related file display columns, in string format.

I'm not sure there is an easy / built-in way to get the raw, unparsed values out of the ID3 tags from a script.

OK, I see. Just [0-9] and /.
Thank you.

For what it's worth, TRCK is only meant to be numeric:

The 'Track number/Position in set' frame is a numeric string containing the order number of the audio-file on its original recording. This may be extended with a "/" character and a numeric string containing the total numer of tracks/elements on the original recording. E.g. "4/9".