Hello, I have created a new column to display "raw" track information in mp3 files, I have a number of them with alphanumeric track numbers (A1..., B1..., C1..., D1...) in digitized old vinyls. I hace checked with an hex editor that the information is indeed in the TRCK frame of the files, but audio_text.mp3track only shows the numeric part, while I expected to get "the unmodified text".
The script is as follows (DOpus 12.4 x86 on XP SP3):
function OnInit(initData) {
initData.name = "anTrack Column";
initData.desc = "Adds a column with alphanumneric TRCK audio data.";
initData.default_enable = true;
var cmd = initData.AddColumn();
cmd.name = "anTrack";
cmd.method = "OnAnTrack";
cmd.label = "anTrack";
cmd.autorefresh = true;
cmd.justify = "center";
function OnAnTrack(scriptColData) {
if (scriptColData.col != "anTrack")
if (scriptColData.item.metadata == "audio")
scriptColData.value = scriptColData.item.metadata.audio_text.mp3track;
Is this working as expected?