Auto Collapse And Jump To

When I close a parent folder could you make the child folders collapse too?
The little drop down arrows when running that lister view mode.

Also, when pasting something into a folder it auto sorts it immediately but doesn't jump the view to that pasted item. Could you make the paste auto scroll to where it was just placed and maybe have it selected too?

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To not change the current default behavior, I would prefer an option for this in preferences.

Or add a key modifier, like Ctrl- or Shift-Key, to distinguish between close parent folder only and/or child folders, too.


Exactly. I would have the structure all-collapse by default or hold Ctrl to maintain them being open, because the latter is a lot less likely, so that action should be behind a modifier layer.

We'll add a Preferences option for this in 13.3.1. Thanks for the suggestion!


The reason to ask about the paste jumping is to avoid confusion.
When I hit Ctrl + V to paste in a large folder and nothing happens, I have no idea if I hit the key combo properly, or if it didn't work.

So, as per my request, at the time of pasting if it would auto scroll the lister view to the pasted item/s and have them selected, that is a type of animation. It is a confirmation that the operation completed successfully. Not only that but it is more likely than not that I would want to continue working on the file/s in some way, so having it/them selected is better than not.

Also if it's multiple items and some of them got auto sorted down the list out of view, I would have to go hunting them down again. And remember all the items I just pasted, knowing their exact names. This is too much hassle, when we could simply have the items selected in the first place.

Maybe a 'recently modified' column header would be good. (Not just a 'recent modification' of the file, but also copy/paste operations etc.). So we could click to sort that column and the most recently moved/modified items would be right there.

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