Edit - Fixed size issues & added delay to the folder tree itself.
Edit - Updated to block being triggered if outside the unmaximized window
This AutoHotkey script I'm working on works for the folder tree + viewer, it will work on all Windows versions that AutoHotkey will run on.
To use it, just download AutoHotkey at autohotkey.com/
Make a new text file.
Paste the code and save and close it.
Change the extension from .txt to .ahk
- Auto show the tree then close once you move outside of it.
- Show the viewer if your mouse is in the area for 500MS but it will not close until you move your mouse out of the area and back another 500ms.
#SingleInstance, Force
DetectHiddenWindows, On
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
SetTimer, MGP, 50
$ESC:: ;For testing ignore. :P
ToolTip, Closing
Sleep, 1000
DPL = dopus.lister
IfWinActive, ahk_class dopus.lister
WinGetClass, mC, ahk_id %fID%
MouseGetPos, fX, fY, fID, fWin
If(mC < > DPL) {
WinGetPos, dX, dY, dW, dH, ahk_classdopus.lister
Gosub, VT
ControlGet, CG, Enabled, , SysTreeView321, ahk_classdopus.lister
If(CG = 1)
ControlGetPos, tX, tY, tW, tH, SysTreeView321, ahk_class dopus.lister
If(CG = 1 && fX > tW+50) {
SetTimer, MGP, Off
Sleep, 100
SendInput, {F8}
Sleep, 100
SetTimer, MGP, On
If(fX < 8 && fY > 90 && fY < dH - 40) {
SetTimer, MGP, Off
Sleep, 375
MouseGetPos, fX, fY, fID, fWin
WinGetClass, mCC, ahk_id %fID%
If(mCC <> DPL) {
SetTimer, MGP, On
MouseGetPos, fX, fY
Sleep, 125
If(fX < 8 && fY > 90 && fY < dH - 40) {
SendInput, {F8}
MouseGetPos, fX, fY
Loop, {
MouseGetPos, fX, fY
If(fX > 475 && fY > 90) {
CG = 0
SetTimer, MGP, On
If(fX > 475 && fY < dH - 40) {
REV:= dW - 200
IfWinActive, ahk_classdopus.lister
MouseGetPos, fX, fY, fID, fWin
ControlGet, CGR, Enabled, , dopus.listerviewpane1, ahk_classdopus.lister
If(CGR = 1 && fX < REV) {
SetTimer, MGP, Off
Sleep, 200
SetTimer, MGP, On
If(fX > dW - 8 && fY > 90 && fY < dH - 40 && fY) {
SetTimer, MGP, Off
Sleep, 500
MouseGetPos, fX, fY, fID, fWin
WinGetClass, mCC, ahk_id %fID%
If(mCC <> DPL) {
SetTimer, MGP, On
If(fX > dW - 8 && fY > 90 && fY < dH - 40 && fY) {
SendInput, {F7}
MouseGetPos, fX, fY
Loop, {
MouseGetPos, fX, fY
If(fX < REV && fY > 90) {
SetTimer, MGP, On