I want to know how to create a button to put it in the toolbar that, when I click it, the filter field opens in the active panel and is automatically typed, for example "* .rar". It is possible?
Thank you very much in advance.
Set quickfilter="*.rar"
Hi Leo.
Thank you for responding so quickly.
Here's a screenshot of my button edit.
I put the command line that you indicated but did not automate the filter. Why?
Hi Leo.
I tried again and now it worked.
Thank you very much.
The screenshot had "FILTERS" rather than "QUICKFILTER" which was probably why it didn't work the first time.
@Arnaldo: Just in case you want to add more archives to your Quick Filter, you can use this pattern:
Set QUICKFILTER "*.(rar|zip|7z)"
This will filter out all other file types except .7z (7-Zip archives), .RAR, and .ZIP archives, etc.
Thank you SomeYoungGuy. Your input is very helpful.