Automatically clear oldest entries in "Automatic Formats"?

Hi. Is it possible to automatically clear the oldest entries in "Automatic Formats" once the formats limit is reached? Once it is reached, Dopus stops remembering the formatting of folders, even the most recent ones I've manually formatted.

It already does that automatically. It won't stop remembering new formats once the limit is reached; it'll throw away old formats (based on when they were last triggered) to make room.

Interesting. That doesn't seem to happen for me. I've cleared the list now. Maybe I should have checked to see if older entries are removed or not. But from what I saw, changes to folder formats for new folders suddenly stopped working. This is the 2nd or 3rd time that this happened. Next time I will make sure to monitor what happens with the entries in the list and report back my findings.

I just tested it and it worked OK, at least in terms of which folders appeared in the list in Preferences.

Easy to test if you set the limit to 10 (the minimum it allows), make 12 new folders, and go into each and sort by a different column before going to the next one.

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Hi. I've recently started encountering the same problem. This time I recorded a video. I noticed that this problem seems to happen only with network drives (where I work most of the time), but not with my local drives.

Try turning off Preferences / File Displays / Options / Preserve folder format edits between folders and see if you get the behaviour you're looking for.

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Thanks for the suggestion! Looks like it's doing what I want it to do now. :smiley:

Hm... Looks like this didn't solve it. It only works when I use the "Back" button. If I use "Go Up" to go to the parent directory, formatting resets again. :frowning:

You might have a (non-automatic) format saved for some of the paths (Preferences / Folders / Folder Formats), or something else overriding the automatic formats.

Hovering over the status bar's (i) icon will show information that can help understand where the current format came from.

I see. Here are some screenshots showing my current settings and where the formatting comes from. Does that help with finding the issue?

"Edited by user" means the format was modified in some way (e.g. resizing a column, adding/removing a column, changing display mode, etc.).

The items under "Folder Type Formats" could also play a part.

But it's difficult to work out what's happening from here.