Automatically downloading all files from one drive

Hi there. New to directory opus and absolutely love it but having a recurring issue. Whenever I open a folder DOPUS automatically downloads files from onedrive. If I hit back it stops, but as soon as a re-enter the folder it will start to download everything again.

It wasn't a problem initially - it just started happening. And I can stop by saving my config, uninstalling dopus, restarting my pc, then reinstalling opus with my config. This will work for a day, sometimes a couple but then eventually for seemingly no reason the auto download will start again. Super irritating, got loads of files in folders i regularly visit. Anyone heard of this issue or aware how I can fix it? Like I say pretty new to the application so laymen terms would be appreciated!!

  • Is that happening with Windows 10 and Opus 12.12, or different versions? (How OneDrive works has changed a lot in recent years / Windows updates.)

  • Is Make all files available turned on or off in the OneDrive settings?

  • When it happens, which columns are turned on in the file display? Any that aren't turned on when it doesn't happen?

Thanks for the speedy response Leo.

Using windows 10, Opus 12.11 (just downloaded 12.12 though so can restart PC to start using that instead of you think it'll help)

Make all files available is turned off. Not an issue when using windows explorer (or clover - what I was previously using before opus)

Columns displayed are Name, Size, Type, Modified, Attr (no idea what this one is), Status, and Availability. I haven't changed these columns so they should be the same when both downloading everything and not downloading everything.

Went for a reinstall just now to stop the auto download so it's not actually doing it at the minute, imagine it will start up again next week though, seems pretty persistent.

Had a similar problem a couple of months ago.

I followed the instructions here and re-installed One Drive and have ad far, far fewer problems since then.

One Drives works faultlessly with images, but seems to have an aversion to (some) PDF files.