Autoplay of Video and Audio not working anymore

Hello, I just switched to version 13. What happened to the common preview pane (F7)?
The only automatic preview/play option is related to image files. But there is no audio nor video player anymore. Instead I only see a huge VLC icon instead. Then I tried to find some related option in the lister (which displayed a mp4 file as Hexadecimal) and then DP crashed.

If videos aren't playing, a codec is probably needed. Any you're likely to need are listed below.

EDIT: Moved the information into an updated FAQ, which I'll link to here to keep everything in one place.

Thanks for the quick reply. But this is more than weird. Only a couple of minutes before installing v13 I was using v12 for the exact same purpose: scrolling through a folder with some videos in order to find a specific one. And audio - at least wav and mp3 - was also a no brainer. I cannot believe that the new version is now lacking these run-of-the-mill codecs.
Best regards,

Wav and MP3 should play out of the box at least.

Which version of Windows are you using?

Hi Leo,
Me again. I just installed the recommended LAV filters, but nothing happens (even after exiting and restarting OD). But funnily enough now my Total Commander "all of a sudden" is playing this videos in Quick View mode. Great. At least this was a success.

Windows 11 Home - but like I said. In version 12 everything was fine.

Please go to Settings / Preferences / Viewer / Plugins, and check the Video & Audio plugin is enabled.

Then open its configuration dialog and check that it lists the extensions you're trying to play.

Installing the Microsoft Store codecs is recommended, as those work with the newer media APIs in Windows.

This is how it looks like

OK, I had to add the mp4 suffix to the default list. This was it! In other words: mp4 was NOT in the list by default. Now it is:
.asf .asx .avi .div .divx .dvr-ms .flv .m1v .m2v .mkv .mlv .mov .mp2v .mp4 .mpe .mpeg .mpg .mpv2 .wm .wmv .wtv

Strange, it's there in your screenshot above, unless that was made after adding it.

Yes, you are right. Sorry for the confusion. But when I opened it up I could not see it. Now I'm not that sure anymore. But as a matter of fact, only after adding it manually (again), it started working.
Now we will never know. :slightly_smiling_face:
But thanks for this hint - It finally helped anyway.

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Glad it's working now!

Hi Leo,
Me again. I still had to fix the audio issue. The same problem, but at least I do know now that mp4 was NOT in the list beforen even though it shows up in the window before accessing the actuall setting window.
The same was happening to the audio codecs. Although mp3 and wav are visible (see screenshot), I really had to manually add them to the list in the configuration field. But something is strange anyway: I only added mp3, wav, flac and ogg, forgetting my current favorite codec which is opus. But when I then tested the audio folder, I could even audition my opus files.
See screenshot.


It also looks in the registry and file type groups, as a falback, so the extensions aren’t always required. That may explain why .opus works.

Does seem wrong for the other extensions to need adding when they were already there, though. Maybe something went wrong with how the new plugin reads configuration data from the old plugin.

Do you have a backup of your Opus config made before the changes, by any chance? I might be able to work out what was happening from that. If you have one, let me know and I’ll post the file that’s needed (only need one file, but not at my PC right now to find the exact path.)

Hi Leo,
unfortunately I don't have any leftovers from the previous installation. Since I did not change almost any of the default settings, I allowed v13 to overwrite the previous settings.

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