Avast! Context Menu

Avast! v5 installs a "Scan" entry into the Windows Explorer context menu allowing the user to scan the selected file(s) and/or folder(s). By default, I "Hide Windows Items" in the context menu. What I want to do is add the Avast! "Scan" as a DOpus context menu entry. Apparently, the single file runs via the ashShell.dll, but I can't figure out how to make it run via the File Types context menu editor.

I've tried calling it as an application. Nothing.

I've tried calling it as a function. I get an error.

How do I do this? Is it possible?

You can use the information presented here to do this.

Thanks Jon!


I find this method better, as you can make context menu entry label shorter (compared to "scan selected items for viruses" or even longer, when it displays name of selected file), put it in menu or assign it to any hotkey you want.

I know this thread is 2.5 years old, but I just found ContextMenu command very useful and thought this is where I could share my button code.