I created a script that lets you specify filename, file extension, and the contents of the text document prior to creating it. It also handles cases in which files already exist and asks you what you'd like to do. It also strips out illegal characters from filenames.
I created this because there are many times that I want to just quickly dump a text into a .bat or .ps1 or .txt file without having to open up notepad or vs code. It's 2024, and we still haven't improved the basic "New Text Document" functionality in literally any file manager anywhere.
I recommend creating this as a "New User Command" in the "Customize" window... that way you can easily reuse this script in multiple places. For instance, I'm using it in my right-click context menu, and also as a button on one of my toolbars.
Hopefully others find this useful, and by all means, feel free to recommend improvements to this. I wouldn't mind seeing something like this be natively implemented into Directory Opus as well.
// Function to handle click event
function OnClick(clickData) {
// Initialize dialog and set template
var dlg = clickData.func.Dlg;
dlg.template = "dialog1";
dlg.Create(); // Dialog is not visible yet.
// Set default value for file exists action
dlg.Control("if-file-exists-combo-box").value = 0;
// Run dialog and wait for user input
var result = dlg.RunDlg();
// Check if the dialog was cancelled by the user
if (result == 0) {
DOpus.Output("Dialog was cancelled by the user.");
// Get values from various control elements
var fileName = dlg.Control("file-name-edit-ctrl").value.replace(/[/\\:*?"<>|]/g, ''); // Get Filename and remove all illegal characters
var fileExt = dlg.Control("file-ext-edit-ctrl").value; // Get File Extension
var content = dlg.Control("content-edit-ctrl").value; // Get Content
// Initialize file system utility
var fs = DOpus.FSUtil();
// Construct full file path
var fullPath = clickData.func.sourcetab.path + "\\" + fileName + "." + fileExt;
// Get selected action for file exists
var fileExistsActionIndex = dlg.Control("if-file-exists-combo-box").value;
var fileExistsAction = ["Rename New", "Replace", "Ask Me"][fileExistsActionIndex];
// Check if file exists and perform action based on user selection
if (fs.Exists(fullPath)) {
switch (fileExistsAction) {
case "Replace":
case "Rename New":
fullPath = GenerateUniqueFilename(fs, fullPath, fileName, fileExt, clickData.func.sourcetab.path);
case "Ask Me":
var askDlg = DOpus.Dlg;
askDlg.message = "File already exists. How would you like to proceed?";
askDlg.buttons = "Replace|Rename New|Abort";
var askResult = askDlg.Show();
if (askResult == 1) {
// Replace was chosen, continue as normal
} else if (askResult == 2) {
// Rename New was chosen
fullPath = GenerateUniqueFilename(fs, fullPath, fileName, fileExt, clickData.func.sourcetab.path);
} else {
DOpus.Output("Operation cancelled by user.");
DOpus.Output("Unexpected option, cancelling operation.");
// Create the file. If there's content, open it for writing.
if (content) {
var file = fs.OpenFile(fullPath, "w");
if (file.error == 0) {
DOpus.Output("File created and content written successfully at " + fullPath);
} else {
DOpus.Output("Error creating file: " + file.error);
} else {
// If there's no content, just create an empty file without opening it for writing.
var file = fs.OpenFile(fullPath, "w");
if (file.error == 0) {
file.Close(); // Immediately close the file, effectively creating an empty file.
DOpus.Output("Empty file created successfully at " + fullPath);
} else {
DOpus.Output("Error creating empty file: " + file.error);
// Function to generate unique filename if file already exists
function GenerateUniqueFilename(fs, fullPath, fileName, fileExt, path) {
var baseName = fileName;
var counter = 0;
while (fs.Exists(fullPath)) {
fileName = baseName + " - Copy" + (counter > 1 ? " (" + counter + ")" : "");
fullPath = path + "\\" + fileName + "." + fileExt;
return fullPath;
<resource name="dialog1" type="dialog">
<dialog dragdrop="yes" fontsize="12" height="246" lang="english" resize="yes" standard_buttons="ok,cancel" title="Create New Document" width="324">
<control halign="left" height="8" name="static1" title="Filename:" type="static" valign="top" width="30" x="6" y="6" />
<control halign="left" height="12" name="file-name-edit-ctrl" resize="w" type="edit" width="240" x="6" y="18" />
<control halign="left" height="12" name="file-ext-edit-ctrl" resize="x" title="txt" type="edit" width="66" x="252" y="18" />
<control halign="left" height="8" name="static2" resize="x" title="Extension:" type="static" valign="top" width="30" x="252" y="6" />
<control halign="left" height="162" multiline="yes" name="content-edit-ctrl" resize="wh" type="edit" width="312" x="6" y="36" />
<control halign="left" height="8" name="if-file-exists-static-text" resize="y" title="If File Exists:" type="static" valign="top" width="42" x="12" y="206" />
<control height="40" name="if-file-exists-combo-box" resize="y" type="combo" width="120" x="66" y="204">
<item text="Rename New" />
<item text="Replace" />
<item text="Ask Me" />