Beyond Compare v5 Beta not showing in context menu

Hi, I'm on dopus 12.33 x64 and am trialing 'Beyond Compare' v5 Beta (

When using the default Windows 10 'File Explorer', I can see the "Compare" context menu item from Beyond Compare v5 Beta when right clicking on a file/folder. However nothing shows in the context menu of dopus. When using Beyond Compare v4 I could see it in dopus.

How do I fix this? Is there a way to enable it to show? Thanks.

From Beyond Compare 5.0 Beta - Known Issues:

  • Windows 10: Shell extension isn't enabled in non-Explorer apps.

So it seems like an issue on their side, not just affecting Opus.

There are also much nicer ways to use Beyond Compare in Opus:

Thanks so much for the reply. Hopefully BC5 will make its way into non-Explorer apps.

I've gone ahead with installing the "Smart" frontend for BC .osp and it works great with BC5.

Thank you again!

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Windows: Fixed shell extension support for non-Explorer apps on Windows 10 and earlier.

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