Bigger icons on a toolbar

Hello from Denmark!

Forgive me if this have been posted before, but I've tried several searches and looking through old post and found nothing :frowning:

I want to create a (floating) toolbar with large icons (128x128 and above) for an eye-pleasing experience, but when I create a button on a toolbar I can choose a "standard" or "big" size, and the imgaes I load scales down to this. How can I do that?

My idea is to create a "dock" with my favourite applications and let DOpus manage it instead of another program like PowerPro, MobyDock, Y'z toolbar etc. (that takes up memory and resources).

Thanks for a great forum!

Rolf Hansen

There's an option in Preferences under Toolbars to disable the image scaling. Note that there's still a maximum limit on the size of toolbar buttons - I think it's either 128 or 256.

Thanks a lot! Sometimes it hard to navigate around in all of those wonderful possibilities. DOpus is really money well spend :wink: