I have absolutely no programming knowledge what so ever so if this is completely ridiculous. I was just wondering if it was possible to create and torrent client plugin. I just thought that because there was ftp support already built in that maybe a torrent client could tap off of that somehow. Have good one all!
BitTorrent and FTP are very different protocols so there would not be any shared code.
I'm not sure I see how a BitTorrent client could be integrated into Opus in a useful way anyway. What would you browse? I guess you could enter a torrent URL into the address bar to browse the files inside of it and only download some of them but that doesn't seem common enough to be worth the effort. (Most of the time people want the entire contents of the torrent archive.)
There's no standard protocol that I know of which lets you browse a list of torrents. Instead it's done through web pages or whatever, and once you have the .torrent file which points to the tracker/archive in question then I don't see anything that Opus can usefully do which isn't already done by the various existing BitTorrent tools, which all work fine with Opus. Maybe I'm missing something?
Nah, I was not interested in browsing...just the downloading of preselected torrents either via a web click or direct entry of the torrent. I like having as few applications as possible to keep things simplified. LOL, like I said I was just curious, but thanks for the quick response.
Get Opera. You have web browser, mail, news and RSS client + Torrent downloader.
The interesting thing about Opera is... when downloading torrents it uses the ftp ports.
While I know bugger all about the mechanics of DOpus and torrent clients given how the above works on my machine, it doesn't seem as if they are worlds apart.
Berate me if necessary, it's just an observtion.
BitTorrent and FTP are very, very different. The only real connection between the two is that they send file data over sockets.
[quote="Bruvic"]The interesting thing about Opera is... when downloading torrents it uses the ftp ports.
While I know bugger all about the mechanics of DOpus and torrent clients given how the above works on my machine, it doesn't seem as if they are worlds apart.
Berate me if necessary, it's just an observtion.[/quote]
Any bittorrent program will need a small file that tells it how to build a file(s) and where it can get the pieces from. It'll send out a message to a seeder to send a piece(s). The trick with this is that by contacting as many seeders allowed (connections are limited by the OS), many pieces are sent back to the receiver. Note that the pieces don't need to be complete files or contiguous. This multiple points is what allows fast downloads of a file.
FTP basically has one connection and pretty much download the whole file(s) in one go.
I'm guess here because I don't use Opera but I think the ftp connection you're talking about is Opera downloading the torrent data file that's needed to build the actual torrent and where it can be gotten from. After that, a different mechanism has to be used to do the torrenting.
Anyways, that's the basic idea.