Black screen and mouse glitch when viewing PDFs

I'm regularly having an issue when interacting with Dopus, where one of my two monitors goes full black, and the other monitor gets visually stuck with the mouse cursor showing a 'trail' and nothing else visually happening. If I quit Dopus these issues go away completely so seems completely tied to it. When I restart Dopus it's fine for a bit but then comes back again. I'm new to Dopus and surprised to be having such fundamental issues. Thanks.

Opus cannot cause issues like that. Something is probably wrong with your hardware drivers. Are they up-to-date (and installed from the manufacturers' websites, not Windows Update)?

Yes, all up to date. I only have this issue with Dopus, never had it before. Could there be some conflict or something? When I quit dopus it goes away.

I have figured out how to reproduce 100%. It is when I click on a PDF file and have the viewer window open. I'm guessing it's something about the viewer/preview? If I close the viewer pane it is fine. Other non-PDF files are fine even with the viewer pane open.


What happens if you do the same thing in File Explorer?

It works fine, I have "Preview pane" enabled and see the PDF pages in the preview pane.

What PDF viewer are you using? Is it the same viewer that File Explorer uses?

Opus doesn't have built-in PDF viewing, it just hosts whatever third-party component has registered itself as the default PDF viewer.

Edit: From a quick search I found this person complaining about Acrobat causing symptoms similar to what you describe, so if you're using Acrobat maybe try removing it and installing a different viewer.

Thanks so much. Great support by the way. I'm not using Acrobat, I'm using Foxit. I tried switching to Edge (Windows 10 default), and can see the difference in File Explorer in how the PDF is shown, the application icon has changed, but in Dopus preview I have the exact same issue.

UPDATE: restarted after changing the viewer and now it's ok. I will monitor. Thank you!

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