Black Squares behind Icons

Hey guys, I am getting corrupted icons when using Dopus 12.26. Every time i browse directories within a few clicks i start to get black squares behind the icons. the 2 ways i can fix this to to clear the thumbnail cache with windows or go into each folder and save a file (text or Newfolder) delete it and the black boxes within that directory disappears. If i uninstall Dopus and just use windows file explore this problem does not present itself. Any ideas?

Does it only happen with folder thumbnails? If so, it’s a bug in Windows which affects all programs that display folder thumbnails generated by Windows. Sometimes it messes up the alpha channel. You’ll see it in File Explorer as well.

It usually happens quite rarely, but you can disable shell folder thumbnails in Opus as a workaround, if it’s happening a lot.

Hey Leo,

Thanks for responding. Yes, it only happens with the folders and yes with Dopus installed i do see it with F'Explorer too. Never seen this with previous version of Dopus hence why i thought it was a dopus problem. I will try you suggested work around and let you know. Thanks :+1:

Opus being installed or updated isn’t the cause. Windows goes generates bad folder thumbnails on its own. You can see it happen on machines where Opus has never been installed. It’s been a bug since Windows Vista, and only gone in Windows 11 because the completely removed folder thumbnails.

(There are actually rendering bugs all the time in the folder thumbnails Windows Vista/7/8/10 generates. It miscalculates the alpha channel because part of its code uses premultiplied alpha and other parts don’t, within the same thumbnail. The result is usually just some gaps and fringing around parts of the thumbnails which you can see on most folder thumbnails if you zoom in on them. But sometimes the alpha channel Windows generates is so messed up that it’s considered invalid, by other parts of Windows itself, and ends up drawn as solid black.)