Bottom status bar incorrectly inherits colors

Host: AMD Quad Core, 8 GB RAM, 13 TB total HD, Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit.

Directory Opus Pro (5016) x64
OS 6.1 (B:7601 P:2 T:1) SP 1.0 "Service Pack 1"

The Directory Opus bottom status bar incorrectly inherits colors from the previously viewed window. For example, I click on a non-DOpus maximized window that has a dark bottom bar/area (sample #1 in the image at the linked URL). Then I click on my maximized DOpus window, it inherits the darkness of the previous window from sample #1 - see sample #2. When I click on a non-DOpus maximized window that has a light bottom bar/area (sample #3), then click back to DOpus, DOpus window inherits light colors for the status bar (sample #4). The dark colors (sample 1/2) are very hard for me to read. Is there a way to prevent or fix DOpus from inheriting the colors of the previously viewed window?

Sample image linked here -

The status bar is glass by default, like the other window borders, so it will partially show whichever window is below it.

You can turn off the glass status bar under Preferences / Display / Options, if you wish.

Ah ha! That did the trick. Excellent! Thanks very much!