Broken colors of Windows table headers on light mode

After updating DOpus 12.33 -> 13.0.35b, initially agreed to try the new official dark mode. Then, tried to change to light mode.

Found out now that the headers in File properties are black, unlike in File Explorer:

The reason is Colors and Fonts / Windows Colors / Headers / Custom Headers is not disabled in light mode.

I believe it's something about migration process, because after resetting the entire configuration this color is now disabled for light mode.

Were custom header colors turned on in your Opus 12 config? Headers and scrollbars were the two things Opus 12 could recolor.

I'm not sure where to look in DOpus12, but here are all the colors:

Seems like no, or it was changed by the theme elsewhere. I can send you the needed files from the config, if you wanna look.

It's these colors:

I've reproduced the problem. The config conversion process is changing some things in the Light colors that should only be done to the Dark ones, if the Opus 12 colors looked dark.


We've fixed this for the next beta, in terms of what happens when loading an Opus 12 config.

If you want to fix a config that has already been converted, a very quick way is to double-click the Default Light theme under Preferences / Colors and Fonts / Themes.

Thanks for finding the problem and letting us know!

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