[BUG] Drag & drop image from Firefox to DO failed

If you drag any image directly from Firefox to DO, you will get the following error msg:

An error occured copying 'something.jpg':
The system could not find this file (2)

This is an annoying bug, hope it will be fixed soon.

I can confirm this behavior.

Yes this is because of the way FireFox handles drag and drop. It creates a temporary file in the user's temp directory and presents this as the object being dragged - but it deletes it as soon as the DoDragDrop() function returns, instead of when the IDataObject is released. Because Opus runs the actual copy function on a separate thread, this means that DoDragDrop() returns before Opus actually tries to copy the file - and when it does try, FireFox has already deleted it.

FireFox should not delete the temp file until the IDataObject is released. Since the odds off them actually fixing this are low I will look at working in some sort of kludge for this problem.


The problem occures only with folders beginning with an driver letter C:\ in path, but it works well when i drag an image to Desktop in the Lister (i don't know how it call, maybe namespace or virtual Desktop, but i find this Desktop in: Go > Desktop). I mean:
C:\something\bla\Desktop -> does not work
Desktop -> works (without the C:)

When you drop to the Desktop, even in Opus, you are really dropping to Explorer - and since Explorer does not multi-thread the copy operation, the problem does not occur.

By the way, as a workaround you can right-click on the image in FireFox and select Copy Image and then Paste it into an Opus Lister.

Ok, I will try, Thanks!
However, a fix will make the life a lot easier.