[BUG] Internal ZIP overrides events

Most of the time, I use WinRaR for archives, however in some cases I find Opus extremely useful for viewing archives, especially Flat View, so I'd like to get best of two world by doing the following

  • With a normal Double click, open WinRaR as always
  • With Alt+Double click open Opus internal zip viewer

In order to make GO open an archive, this settings must be set

But at the same time, it changes the default Double click behavior, so WinRaR is not prioritized.

I tried to workaround that by making changes in Types, setting Alt+Double click to GO and Double click to <not defined>. It works, as soon as Opus restarts, Double click action gets overridden and it makes internal Opus archiver prioritized again.

I though that it gets overridden only when the value is <not defined>, so I tried to bypass that by FileType SHELLEX, but after restart it got replaced back to GO again.

If I disable internal Opus Zip support, click events don't get changed upon restart, but at the same time, GO no longer opens archives internally.

P.S I know that I can make the other way around, assigning WinRaR to Alt+Double click and leaving Opus to Double click, but it's not acceptable for me.

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Which filetype are you editing, the RAR one or the Archives filetype group?

Trying to open .zip, but seem to have the issue on any archives including .rar

Worth mentioning that I tried both: changing Left double-click event for Archives group and .zip type individually. The change on Archives group stays upon restart, but has no effect, .zip one seem to take the priority and gets overridden on restart.

I see what you mean.

I'm not sure there is currently a way to enable archive support while making double-clicks within Opus open the archives in something else instead of staying in Opus.

The only option I know of is the one you've already rejected (having double-click stay in Opus, and alt + double-click, or similar, open the other tool).

I would be down for any hacky workarounds. Like a script that listens to double click and checks the clicked file.

Or maybe it's possible to open archives internally whilst it's disabled in settings (maybe with something other that GO)? Or perhaps enabling internal archiver temporarily somehow?