I think it is a bug (but it can be a User error)
When I activate Folder Aliases to show in Folder Tree, it is showing not-expandable. Clicking on it doesn't do anything.
DOpus 12.3.7b x64 Win7PRO x64
I think it is a bug (but it can be a User error)
When I activate Folder Aliases to show in Folder Tree, it is showing not-expandable. Clicking on it doesn't do anything.
DOpus 12.3.7b x64 Win7PRO x64
Have you made any folder aliases?
Preferences / Favorites and Recent / Folder Aliases
(Built-in ones won't be shown in the tree, as that would fill it with so much stuff it wouldn't be much use.)
Nope, I was hoping to get the build-in ones to show so I can use them as quick paths.
FR to be able to do it?
We'll add an option in the next version for this, although I question how useful it is given how many built-in aliases there are.
Thank you guys, you are the best!
The thing is that i am working in alot of the build in alias folders in my day-to-day work and i dont want to make duplicates in favorites for them as we already have them sort-of-bookmarked. On the matter of the quantity - I agree, there are too many build-in ones to be useful in one big list. Maybe we can choose which ones can be displayed (ex. via sub-list in Preferences>Folder Tree>Contents>Folder Aliases). I dont know if it will be possible and if it wont take too much work, though.
However THANK YOU for whichever improvement in this direction you decide to make
Thank you for this!