Is it possible to create a button to toggle Power View - generally I use Details mode but am looking for a quick way to flick between detail and power view.
Is it possible to create a button to toggle Power View - generally I use Details mode but am looking for a quick way to flick between detail and power view.
Set VIEW=Power*,Details
Put the * next to the mode that you want the button to indicate. In this example, the button will look pushed in when it's in Power mode. (The * only works in Opus 9 & above.)
You can have more than two modes in the button if you want a button which cycles through several modes.
If you're in a different mode (say, Thumbnails) and click the button then it will change to the first mode that's listed (Power in this case).
Thanks yet again mate, I did try and do this myself but after several failed atempts I gave up.
Apologies for all the questions, this is my first week with DOpus (moved over from XYPlorer).
Cheers mate.
ah, that´s very cool, by the way. I had a three way button, but this additionally indicates the chosen mode.
Is it possible to set this button so that it toggles Power Mode, but switches back to the previously selected view mode (not forcing it to go to details as the default like Leo's button indicates)?
No good/easy way that I can think of. (How many different view modes do you use? I only use Details and Thumbnails, and very occasionally Tiles, so the way it works now is perfect for me.)
You might be able to do it using a Style which does nothing but change to Power Mode and a pair of buttons (or left/right click actions on a three-button) which respectively invoke that style and invoke the special "Previous" style... That seems a little clunky to me, though.
I hope it's ok to post here, i'm also a new Opus user and have worked out most things by searching but this one i can't and my question is related to this.
I used the above code, and it functions great. However my button changes on mouse over instead of on click. In other words it always shows the thumbnails button regardless of mode, and shows the power button only when i hover over it. Is there any way to make it change on click instead?
This is more logical, because clicking it will do exactly what the image implies. I read about @toggle but cannot make it work.
You can't do that.
Opus buttons indicate the on/off state of their left-click actions by being pushed in or not.
@toggle lets you reverse when the button appears pushed-in, or prevent it from appearing pushed-in. It doesn't affect the icon image.
(Edit 2023: You can change the icon image based on state these days.)
Ahh ok thanks very much leo, i did try my best to "make" it change buttons.
It's a shame there's a few buttons i wanted to combine in to 1 and make switch instead of having 2 separate buttons taking up real estate. The depressed button state doesn't look great and clicking say a thumbnails button to activate power mode isn't really intuitive.
That's cool though, i'm starting to love my Opus so i will forgive him for that.
Try changing the Toolbar Style to Standard in Prefs -> Display -> Toolbars, or playing with the colours of the Office style.
If the button toggles between Power and Thumbnails I find it intuitive. When the Thumbnails icon is pushed in I'm in Thumbnails mode and if I click that then I'm turning off Thumbnails and returning to my normal mode. (Details for me rather than Power, FWIW.)
Personally, I get confused by toolbar buttons which change image depending on their state. It's often not obvious whether the image represents the current state or what will happen when the button is clicked. I've seen programs which do both and the confusion that comes from there being no standard has made me dislike ones which do either.
Still, if it's something you want you could ask GPSoftware and see what happens.
For me i like icons that do exactly what they say, click thumbnails button i go to thumbnails mode, click power button i go to power mode, click C Drive i open C drive etc. I always look for the icon that represents the function i want to perform, but it's no biggie though i got used to clicking "Start" to Shutdown in Windows.
The buttons on the forum message editor as i type this change, for instance the [ b ] when clicked changes to [ b *] to signify it will do a closing bold tag when clicked again. For me it's more intuitive because it does what it displays.
It's only a minor cosmetic thing, so i won't bother the GPS folk for it but i will note it and if i come up with other things i will pass them on in one go. This is only my first week since buying Opus so i've only explored 1% of it.
This is how i was "trying" to toggle the buttons, in the arguments bit under "ICONS/k > Toggle" after i realized the "Dual Image" checkbox didn't do it.
[Broken image link]
Fair enough!
The "Toggle" in your screenshot is part of the Set ICONS=Toggle command which toggles icons in the file display on/off in Details/Power mode.
The "Toggle" that affects when the button is pushed in or not isn't part of the Set command, or any command. It's a standalone button "modifier." If you click the Modifiers menu, rather than the Arguments menu, you'll find @toggle in there. Here's a couple of examples of how @toggle can be used:
@toggle invert
@toggle invert
Set DUAL=Toggle,Source
14 years later from the original thread & on v12.30, I find my answer here -
Toggle button between Details & Thumbnails
(I only need Thumbs occasionally)
Set VIEW=Thumbnails*,Details
dOpus .... STILL the undisputed heavyweight of the computing world