Button Open with SnagIt9 Editor


someone here using SnagIt 9?

I want to create a button for openig highlighted files in snagit editor but it doesn't work.


C:\Programme\TechSmith\SnagIt 9\SnagItEditor.exe {O!}

Any idea?

Put quotes around the program path and give it the full path to the selected items instead of just the file names. (If you're using the short argument codes then {F!} instead of {O!} I think.)

So probably this:

"C:\Programme\TechSmith\SnagIt 9\SnagItEditor.exe" {F!}

Of course, this is assuming that SnagItEditor.exe takes files on the command line without needing other arguments. Most programs do but not all of them.

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Thanks, Leo - that's it! :slight_smile:

Is it possible to view snagit files ".snag" in the viewer pane ?

I used to save screen captures in .jpg Recently, I start saving them in .snag to take advantage of re-editing option

With .jpg, I can step through all the images in a folder via spacebar. But .snag files has to be viewed inside Snagit


Not currently, someone would need to write a plugin.

"C:\Programme\TechSmith\SnagIt 9\SnagItEditor.exe" {F!}

What does the ! do...? I always use the {f} command without ! which works fine for opening multiple documents.

With the short codes like {f}, {F}, {o}, etc. the ! makes them optional. If there's no ! then they are mandatory.

If you click blah.exe {f} with nothing selected then nothing will happen.

If you click blah.exe {f!} with nothing selected then blah.exe will be run without any arguments.

The long codes indicate things differently. With them stuff is optional by default and you put a $ at the end to make it mandatory.

{f} is the same as {filepath$}

{f!} is the same as {filepath}