Button to load GPS data into Google Maps?

[quote="leo"]You should be able to do that using a slightly modified version of my script to copy image URLs with width and height to the clipboard.

If you're not sure how to modify the script, upload a sample GPS-tagged image and I'll see what I can do.[/quote]

incarnation.dyndns.org:89/files/ ... 16_021.jpg

I am far from being a programmer and i looked at the instructions on it, and it is a little beyond what I know. A sample image has been provided above.

As I would only use this feature for 1 image at a time, do i really need setclip? in any event i already use it for another purpose (create a url i can paste to people based on a file on my drive so i dont have to type in the info all the time). I just never bothered to see if i could use the built in script to do that.
