Usally when I want to create a button to open multiple directories (Tabs) I use the Tabgroup modifier, save all the tabs in a group and make the button open the Tabgroup. However, in this case I would like to create a button that does it without using the Tabgroup. I want to do it because I am letting the *.dcf get created in another program dynamically. I am attempting to do like so with no luck. I imagine I am missing instruction to tell Opus to open a new Tab leaving all other open each time. How can this be done? Thanks
Go "D:\Stuff\FileMaker\Solution1\Assets\Video\"
Go "D:\Stuff\FileMaker\Solution1\Assets\Photo\"
Go "D:\Stuff\FileMaker\Solution1\Assets\Document\"
Go "D:\Stuff\FileMaker\Solution1\Assets\Webpage\"
Set SORTBY=Modified