A button which when clicked drops down a popup menu where the items in this popup menu represent the files of a specific directory. So when I click one of these popup menu items the according file will be opened.
The definition of the popup menu items should be dynamic, so when a new file is created inside the corresponing directory then the popup menu will automatically be updated.
Several extra arguments are available with this command (e.g. showempty, showhidden, maxdepth etc.).
[quote="PeterPanino"]Hi, how can I achieve the following:
A button which when clicked drops down a popup menu where the items in this popup menu represent the files of a specific directory. So when I click one of these popup menu items the according file will be opened.
The definition of the popup menu items should be dynamic, so when a new file is created inside the corresponing directory then the popup menu will automatically be updated.[/quote]