Buttons for customized Everything filters?

Although i keep using Everything's own GUI for quick searches, i would like to replicate the filters in Opus, functions like file: dupe: dupesize: size:>500mb. So, how ould i combine that command (and several more) with the '+' FAYT key in a button?

You simply write them as they are :grinning:. Any syntax that works in Everything will work in DOpus. Now some things to keep in mind when the filter gets long that have helped me.

  1. For long texts, you may want to create a custom FAYT script, which disables realtime search and only runs when you press enter (unless you write the filter fast enough and/or have few files indexed).
  2. You can create a scrit add-in with a GUI-like dialog and then pass the result to DOpus using 'Find CLEAR QUERYENGINE=everythingglobal QUERY your query'.

No, that doesn't work. Making a button with only file: dupe: dupesize: size:>500mb yields nothing. I would need to specify some sort of raw command to invoke the Everything search. And i don't know anything about writing scripts, sorry.

Find CLEAR QUERYENGINE=everythingglobal QUERY file: dupe: dupesize: size:>500mb

You can provide your own collection name if you wish also.
Everything after QUERY is the own Everything's syntax.

Ok, that works. I should have tried that line before asking again. Now i am building a menu with my dozen or so filters, which i have so far. Thank you!

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I have made a dozen custom filters now, they all work except for one. When i want to use

Set Focus=right
Find CLEAR QUERYENGINE=everythingglobal QUERY content:search:

I get no input field. Is there a simple way to emulate a '+' key push, followed by the content:search: part?

If you want an input field that adds text to the end of the command:

Set Focus=right
Find CLEAR QUERYENGINE=everythingglobal QUERY content:search:{dlgstring|Enter content to search for:}

Ah, yes, the dlgstring thing would work here, too. I didn't think of that. Thanks!

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Just tried it, but somehow no results are returned. Using normal +content:search works, though.

e/ "no search results were found" is the message i get. Looks to me, as if Dlgstrg tries to call the Windows search, but since i use Everything for quite a while, i didn't build any search index in Windows, except for my photo folders, so that could explain it.

give us, please))

I'm not familiar with Everything's syntax, but that looks like there's no : after the content:search like there was above? Are the two methods being fed the same query strings?

Well, actually the colons are there. I think i'm gonna ask void, if the {dlgstring} part is causing an issue with what is expected after the last colon. I'll report back. I do have another way, based on some Autohotkey quirk, but maybe we can get it to work without any further tool.

Set Focus=right
Find CLEAR QUERYENGINE=everythingglobal QUERY content:search:{dlgstring}

fcast, you'll need to adjust the paths and sizes, of course.

Finding dupes larger than 500mb:

Find CLEAR QUERYENGINE=everythingglobal QUERY file: dupe: dupesize: size:>500mb

New images from the last 12 weeks:

Find CLEAR QUERYENGINE=everythingglobal QUERY ext:jpg;tiff;bmp; dm:12weeks !"F:\Bilder\Fotografie" !"D:" !"E:" !"G:"

Find CLEAR QUERYENGINE=everythingglobal QUERY ext:avi;mp4;mkv; dm:12weeks size:>600mb

Find CLEAR QUERYENGINE=everythingglobal QUERY ext:mp3;mp4;wav; dm:12weeks size:<100mb

Find CLEAR QUERYENGINE=everythingglobal QUERY ext:jpg;tiff;bmp; dm:4weeks !"F:\Bilder\Fotografie" !"D:" !"E:" !"G:"

Find CLEAR QUERYENGINE=everythingglobal QUERY Find CLEAR QUERYENGINE=everythingglobal QUERY ext:avi;mp4;mkv; dm:4weeks size:>600mb

Find CLEAR QUERYENGINE=everythingglobal QUERY ext:mp3;mp4;wav; dm:4weeks size:<100mb

For more syntax information, check out


You can also modify the codes to not exclude certain drives, like in my examples (!"E:" excludes Drive E, for example), or change it to your liking.

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Can't see anything about there about a content:search:xyz syntax. Looks like it should just be content:xyz to search for xyz. Unless the search: part is an extra/new detail defined on another page.

Might also need quotes around the xyz if it contains spaces, and to avoid the special operators for AND and OR searches.

I though he is searching for 'search:xyz' too. Definitively there's no search: syntax that I'm aware of

Those examples from @abr above raise the question if I can use any of ET bookmarks, I've defined in ET? And there are many of them :grinning:

Bookmarks are a kind of predefined filters/searches I would like to use in DO, too without having to use complex queries in a DO button or command.

Something like

Find CLEAR QUERYENGINE=everythingglobal BOOKMARK mybookmark


Yes, i also pondered, how to search for stuff with spaces and multiple search words. It looks, like it uses OR, if no further quotes are applied (don't know if that would work with quotes anyway). It is a bit like with Opus, the mightyer the tool , the more research it raises. :smiley:

You can. I use both filters and bookmarks just fine. There's no need for that BOOKMARK part, just reference to the macro you create in Everything followed by your query. FWIW, I'm using latest Everything version available (, I remember macros wasn't working in previous builds.

You may post an example for such a command herein? :smile:

Let's say you have created a bookmark/filter in Everything with the macro test. Now in DOpus just run: Find CLEAR QUERYENGINE=everythingglobal COLLNAME= Everything QUERY test:my query. Nothing else

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