Calculate folder size issue

Hello. For some reason some folders always shows empty size and don't react both for automatic size calculation and explicit one. Windows properties show size properly.
I didn't find any good repro for this.

I'm using latest 13.3.5 beta now (latest Windows 10) but I've noticed this problem in 13.2

Some additional relevant settings


Everything is being used for folder sizes there, and is probably not returning any information for those folders.

Make sure it isn't excluding the directories via a path or wildcard filter (in Everything's settings, not Opus).

Check that it is configured to index file sizes and attributes. (More detail: Integration with Everything [Directory Opus Manual]).

If it's still wrong, tell Everything to rebuild its search index.

It was related to Everything. I have no excludes and correct settings are in place. Rebuilding index helped. Thanks for suggestion. Cheers.

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