Can all machines use the same remote config setup, or equivalent?

I am trying out Opus on a couple of my additional PCs and I have setup FTP okay between them. I have created a FTP address book on one then I did a Settings>Backup and restore to save the Opus config to my NAS and imported it into the other PC. This all worked great and everything came across correctly.

I would like the exact same setup of DOpus on more than one machine. Is it possible to look for a common config file on my NAS at each launch?

I guess DOpus would have to fall back to another copy if the network was down for some reason.

I am sure I could start copy jobs to each machine from my NAS if I had to. Better still use DOpus itself to do the copy via a script?

I am basically looking for a similar functionality you get from logging into chrome web browser on different machine. I guess it is a Sync of sorts.

If this still keep 'working out' I will be upgrading to a multi machine licence. I am loving DOpus 12.

I guess you could auto-import a config file as a startup command/script, but you'd have to remember to re-export your config every time you made a change you wanted to save, otherwise the change would be overwritten the next time you rebooted that machine.

All of the config files are just normal files, so if you only need certain things (like the FTP Address Book) to be synched between machines, you could copy those files individually. A tool like WinMerge (free) could even be used to merge changes made on different machines instead of overwriting the whole config file.

You could also divert the config folders to a network share using junctions, although that isn't an officially supported state and may run into issues.

How to detect if the network is there would be something you would have to solve, based on your own setup. If you can detect a certain network interface being plugged/unplugged then that's fast. But if you wanted to, say, see if a particular machine is on the network, that could cause delays when it isn't, because if you ask Windows about a network folder that is unreachable, it can wait up to 30 seconds before it decides it isn't going to work. It's best to avoid pointing anything at a network drive unless it's only accessed when you really need it to be (not all the time, as a side-effect of unrelated things) and/or you know the network and machine will never be offline.

Thanks for your great response Leo.

You touch on a few points that I have thought about. The governing factor here is to not slowdown DOpus or get the config file in a weird state.
All of my machines and NAS are setup with FTP servers now which may help.

I was thinking about a copy, re-naming, backup to NAS job run in the scheduler but your merge changes idea makes much more sense and is less complicated. I'll take a look at WinMerge tomorrow.

Can I just confirm that the only time the files are read is at startup or when config changes/FTP address book changes etc are made on the fly?

The only fly in the ointment is if a merge is partway through when an instance of DOpus is launched. Even so, I guess I could write a script in DOpus to create a sudo lock file to flag when it is safe/unsafe to start merging.
Pause for though and quite interesting.

I was waxing lyrical to my wife showing her how I had everything setup and how it will help with brain fade moving between machines. The only time yer eyes lit up is when I showed her the colouring of filename and the icons for file status that was introduced in v12. It fired her OCD colour coding itch!

P.S. I was very impressed with the preview payne, the audio & video file but when I finished a 3D design and opened DOpus to send it to the 3D printer SD card I was gobsmacked to see it in greyscale rotating in 3D! Wow, just WOW!

:slight_smile: :smiley:

Personal configuration items like layouts and favourites are created with absolute paths (e.g. C:\Users\SomeUser\etc.) but you can get round this by editing your .oll (layout) and favorites.ofv configuration files and replacing absolute paths with aliases (e.g. /Profile\etc.).

It depends on the config file. Some are read at startup. Some are read each time they are used.

Most are written as soon as they are changed, but I think there are a couple which only get saved out on shutdown.

(Performing a config backup will flush all config data to disk, so that's one way to ensure no unsaved config data is in memory.)

Also remember that Opus Pro defaults to staying running in the background even when none of its windows are open (although it can be configured not to if you want).