Can DOpus remember my input?

I have created a button with:
C:\Windows\ -k -P -u -U -{dlgstring|Find:|FlashMeteringMode} *.CR2 *.JPG

After a click I can enter things I need, eg. FlashMeteringMode, FocusMode, ISO and/or hundreds other..

Is it possible, that DOpus remember the string i have last time "entered" ?
Eg If this was "FirmwareVersion", then when I click next time the button "FirmwareVersion" will appear in the Field?

Sorry for my bad english :wink:


A global variable should work, like so:

@set $glob!:searchTerm={dlgstring|Find:|{$$glob:searchTerm}}
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hmmm, sorry but I cannot build the full command with this for the :frowning:


@set $glob!:searchTerm={dlgstring|Find:|{$$glob:searchTerm}}
C:\Windows\ -k -P -u -U -{$$glob:searchTerm} *.CR2 *.JPG

Hi, thank you for the example!
What is the best way to access persisting variables in a JS script?
Should I use .Command.RunCommand() or is there a better way, a native implementation in the JS interpreter?

There is a Vars object for that.

Please start a separate thread if you need help with it.

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Yes, thank you very much! :slight_smile: