Can I add a custom script to DO that I can pass arguments to?

I think this!Documents/Scripting/Adding_a_new_Internal_Command.htm is what I want, but I before I waste an hour or two trying to understand it I thought it might be better to just ask.

I have a script that has parameters. Can I add that script to directory opus and then create buttons that pass the destinations to it? Or should I just make different buttons and copy-paste the code? This would mean every time I improve the code I will have to copy the changes to each button.

These are the values that change. The rest of the code stays the same. So I would like to just call the script and pass it the arguments.

    var rootFolder = "\\\\AMD\\_TestDirectory";

Yes, you can do that.

Thanks, I will dig into it tomorrow. I am amazed at how much Directory Opus can do. :grinning: